Google Maps Scraper avatar

Google Maps Scraper

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Google Maps Scraper

Google Maps Scraper

Try for free

1 day trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Obtain more significant and quicker amounts of data from Google Maps compared to what is available through the official Google Places API.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 5 Monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • 83% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified 10 months ago


Search term(s)


The search terms you want to use.



The country where you want to search in.

Value options:

"us": string"af": string"al": string"dz": string"as": string"ad": string"ao": string"ai": string"aq": string"ag": string"ar": string"am": string"aw": string"au": string"at": string"az": string"bs": string"bh": string"bd": string"bb": string"by": string"be": string"bz": string"bj": string"bm": string"bt": string"bo": string"ba": string"bw": string"bv": string"br": string"io": string"bn": string"bg": string"bf": string"bi": string"kh": string"cm": string"ca": string"cv": string"ky": string"cf": string"td": string"cl": string"cn": string"cx": string"cc": string"co": string"km": string"cg": string"cd": string"ck": string"cr": string"ci": string"hr": string"cu": string"cy": string"cz": string"dk": string"dj": string"dm": string"do": string"ec": string"eg": string"sv": string"gq": string"er": string"ee": string"et": string"fk": string"fo": string"fj": string"fi": string"fr": string"gf": string"pf": string"tf": string"ga": string"gm": string"ge": string"de": string"gh": string"gi": string"gr": string"gl": string"gd": string"gp": string"gu": string"gt": string"gn": string"gw": string"gy": string"ht": string"hm": string"va": string"hn": string"hk": string"hu": string"is": string"in": string"id": string"ir": string"iq": string"ie": string"il": string"it": string"jm": string"jp": string"jo": string"kz": string"ke": string"ki": string"kp": string"kr": string"kw": string"kg": string"la": string"lv": string"lb": string"ls": string"lr": string"ly": string"li": string"lt": string"lu": string"mo": string"mk": string"mg": string"mw": string"my": string"mv": string"ml": string"mt": string"mh": string"mq": string"mr": string"mu": string"yt": string"mx": string"fm": string"md": string"mc": string"mn": string"me": string"ms": string"ma": string"mz": string"mm": string"na": string"nr": string"np": string"nl": string"an": string"nc": string"nz": string"ni": string"ne": string"ng": string"nu": string"nf": string"mp": string"no": string"om": string"pk": string"pw": string"ps": string"pa": string"pg": string"py": string"pe": string"ph": string"pn": string"pl": string"pt": string"pr": string"qa": string"re": string"ro": string"ru": string"rw": string"sh": string"kn": string"lc": string"pm": string"vc": string"ws": string"sm": string"st": string"sa": string"sn": string"rs": string"sc": string"sl": string"sg": string"sk": string"si": string"sb": string"so": string"za": string"gs": string"ss": string"es": string"lk": string"sd": string"sr": string"sj": string"sz": string"se": string"ch": string"sy": string"tw": string"tj": string"tz": string"th": string"tl": string"tg": string"tk": string"to": string"tt": string"tn": string"tr": string"tm": string"tc": string"tv": string"ug": string"ua": string"ae": string"gb": string"um": string"uy": string"uz": string"vu": string"ve": string"vn": string"vg": string"vi": string"wf": string"eh": string"ye": string"zm": string"zw": string



The city where you want to search in.

Google Maps URLs


A list of Google Maps URLs. The URLs should contains either /maps/search or /maps/place (e.g.,



The details of the results will be in this language..

Value options:

"en": string"af": string"az": string"id": string"ms": string"bs": string"ca": string"cs": string"da": string"de": string"et": string"es": string"es-419": string"eu": string"fil": string"fr": string"gl": string"hr": string"zu": string"is": string"it": string"sw": string"lv": string"lt": string"hu": string"nl": string"no": string"uz": string"pl": string"pt-BR": string"pt-PT": string"ro": string"sq": string"sk": string"sl": string"fi": string"sv": string"vi": string"tr": string"el": string"bg": string"ky": string"kk": string"mk": string"mn": string"ru": string"sr": string"uk": string"ka": string"hy": string"iw": string"ur": string"ar": string"fa": string"am": string"ne": string"hi": string"mr": string"bn": string"pa": string"gu": string"ta": string"te": string"kn": string"ml": string"si": string"th": string"lo": string"my": string"km": string"ko": string"ja": string"zh-CN": string"zh-TW": string

Default value of this property is "en"

Maximum number of places per each search term/URL


This is the maximum number of results you will obtain for each search term or URL.
To scrape all places available, set this value to 9999999.

Maximum number of images per place


Maximum number of images per place. If you fill in 0 or nothing, no images will be scraped. To extract all images, type 99999 into the field. The higher the number, the slower the search.

Match search with place title


Match search with place title

Value options:

"all": string"only_includes": string"only_exact": string

Scrape only the place URLs (no place details)


This is helpful in case you want post process the URLs later.

Default value of this property is false

Proxy configuration


Using proxies is needed to prevent blocking.

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":true}

Limit number of reviews


The maximum number of reviews per place.

One review per output result


Save each review as a separated result.

Default value of this property is false

Reviews since this date


Scrape reviews since this date (e.g., 2024-02-21)

Reviews sort


Set the sort order of reviews.

Value options:

"newest": string"mostRelevant": string"highestRanking": string"lowestRanking": string

Default value of this property is "newest"

Reviews translation


Choose the output of reviews.

Value options:

"originalAndTranslated": string"onlyOriginal": string"onlyTranslated": string

Default value of this property is "originalAndTranslated"

Filter reviews by keyword(s)


List of keyword(s) to filter and scrape reviews containing them.

Default value of this property is ""

Reviewer's name


Extract the reviewer's name.

Default value of this property is false

Reviewer's ID


Default value of this property is true

Reviewer URL


Default value of this property is true

Review ID


Default value of this property is true

Review URL


Default value of this property is true

Response from owner


Default value of this property is true



The state of the area (e.g., Arizona).

US county


The US county of the area (e.g., Colorado).

Postal code


The postal code of the area (e.g., 10001).

Override zoom level


This zoom is automatically set based on the chosen location, but you can override that. See readme for more info.

Custom search area (check description for more info)


A custom geo location polygon, see for more info.