Instagram Posts Scraper
1 day trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

Instagram Posts Scraper
1 day trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now
The Instagram Post Scraper extracts detailed data from any valid post URL, including content, engagement metrics, user details, and media. It delivers structured output for social media analysis, monitoring, and research.
Instagram Post Scraper
The Instagram Post Scraper Actor is a powerful tool designed to extract comprehensive data from Instagram posts. It retrieves detailed information including post content, engagement metrics, user details, and media content from any valid Instagram post URL. This actor provides structured data output that can be used for social media analysis, monitoring, and research purposes. Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: Instagram Profile Scraper.
- Extracts complete post metadata and content details
- Retrieves engagement metrics (likes, comments, views)
- Captures media content URLs (photos and videos)
- Collects user profile information
- Gathers hashtags and tagged users
- Provides audio details for Reels
- Includes comment data with replies
- Supports both regular posts and Reels
Output Fields
Field Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The original Instagram post URL |
user_posted | String | Username of the post author |
description | String | Full text content of the post |
hashtags | Array[String] | List of hashtags used in the post |
num_comments | Number | Total number of comments on the post |
date_posted | String | ISO timestamp of when the post was published |
likes | Number | Number of likes received on the post |
photos | Array[String] | URLs of photos in the post |
videos | Array[String] | URLs of videos in the post |
location | Object | Location information (if available) |
latest_comments | Array[Object] | Recent comments with replies and engagement data |
post_id | String | Unique identifier for the post |
content_type | String | Type of post (e.g., "Reel", "Post") |
video_view_count | String | Number of video views (for video content) |
video_play_count | Number | Number of times the video was played |
followers | Number | Follower count of the post author |
posts_count | Number | Total number of posts by the author |
profile_image_link | String | URL of the author's profile picture |
is_verified | Boolean | Verification status of the author |
is_paid_partnership | Boolean | Indicates if the post is a paid partnership |
audio | Object | Audio details for Reels content |
profile_url | String | URL to the author's Instagram profile |
Possible Usage
- Social media monitoring and analytics
- Influencer marketing research
- Content engagement analysis
- Competitor analysis
- Social media trend tracking
- Marketing campaign performance measurement
- User-generated content collection
- Hashtag performance analysis
- Audience engagement studies
- Content archiving and documentation
Example Output
1{ 2 "url": "https://www.instagram.com/p/DEnrkoisS37/?__a=1&__d=dis&hl=en", 3 "user_posted": "driziinha", 4 "description": "Trabalhar por turnos faz com que os meus dias sejam sempre diferentes, mas aquela rotina boa quando chego a casa e que me ajuda a desligar do trabalho é (quase) sempre a mesma: tirar sapatos, tirar soutien, tirar make up* e, mais recentemente, pousar o telemóvel até, pelo menos, os miúdos irem para a cama. \n\n*desmaquilhante Take The Day Off Balm + Moisture Surge Overnight Mask da @cliniqueportugal deixam a pele um sonho, mega hidratada e cada embalagem dura imenso. Para quem já adora o hidrante Moisture Surge, imaginem a versão máscara de noite... 🤤 #cliniquewomen pub", 5 "hashtags": [ 6 "#cliniquewomen" 7 ], 8 "num_comments": 25, 9 "date_posted": "2025-01-09T21:33:29.000Z", 10 "likes": 508, 11 "photos": [ 12 "https://instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/472454364_18485451343003661_8301411466355177501_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_p1080x1080_sh0.08_tt6&_nc_ht=instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=JHJlPr0NAbgQ7kNvgHclbkY&_nc_gid=db5007280a72435cb6a7317237865270&edm=AABBvjUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYDYyF-y-m6hw5IT8WY-dYjXbeFP4khX2E46aodRKguDdQ&oe=678F99EE&_nc_sid=4f4799" 13 ], 14 "videos": [ 15 "https://instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/o1/v/t16/f2/m86/AQPRRGyTB74Jmf9VXuLyHat7KkRM9VM_5QTHu2Axz5QjxT4av8_tjRSiBgQFMYRlpSqcKfMkHPXJ-RUl3OTtgBJp5IJAIDrH4h3goGI.mp4?stp=dst-mp4&efg=eyJxZV9ncm91cHMiOiJbXCJpZ193ZWJfZGVsaXZlcnlfdnRzX290ZlwiXSIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidnRzX3ZvZF91cmxnZW4uY2xpcHMuYzIuNzIwLmJhc2VsaW5lIn0&_nc_cat=104&vs=914725777449258_843979142&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYUmlnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfc3JfcHJvZC9GODQwMjczRDlEMzg3OTY0Q0NEMTlGMzJEMUFCMjI4Ml92aWRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2hfZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dPVjNJeHo4NVBnVUNXUURBSTBwQWRoUUg0SVFicV9FQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbABUAACaSrqeXx8qRQBUCKAJDMywXQDPP3ztkWh0YEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdf4HAA%3D%3D&_nc_rid=db500829eb&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AYAdeouzzb2aN0jp5MrIdA-T8tLD6t-bY3psNQHpR-8amQ&oe=678BCAAA&_nc_sid=4f4799" 16 ], 17 "location": null, 18 "latest_comments": [ 19 { 20 "comments": "😍😍", 21 "likes": 1, 22 "replies": [ 23 { 24 "comments": "@a.risca.concept ❤️", 25 "likes": 0, 26 "user_commenting": "driziinha" 27 } 28 ], 29 "user_commenting": "a.risca.concept" 30 }, 31 { 32 "comments": "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️", 33 "likes": 1, 34 "replies": [ 35 { 36 "comments": "@maria.godinho.56 ❤️", 37 "likes": 0, 38 "user_commenting": "driziinha" 39 } 40 ], 41 "user_commenting": "maria.godinho.56" 42 }, 43 { 44 "comments": "😍😍😍", 45 "likes": 1, 46 "replies": [ 47 { 48 "comments": "@nene_i.j.a.m ❤️", 49 "likes": 0, 50 "user_commenting": "driziinha" 51 } 52 ], 53 "user_commenting": "nene_i.j.a.m" 54 }, 55 { 56 "comments": "Parabéns Andreia. Que seja um dia bem feliz. ❤️", 57 "likes": 1, 58 "replies": [ 59 { 60 "comments": "@mlle.rosinha obrigadaaaa, um grande beijinho ❤️", 61 "likes": 1, 62 "user_commenting": "driziinha" 63 } 64 ], 65 "user_commenting": "mlle.rosinha" 66 }, 67 { 68 "comments": "❤️😍", 69 "likes": 1, 70 "replies": [ 71 { 72 "comments": "@chvnge ❤️", 73 "likes": 0, 74 "user_commenting": "driziinha" 75 } 76 ], 77 "user_commenting": "chvnge" 78 } 79 ], 80 "post_id": "3541991265383034363", 81 "discovery_input": null, 82 "has_handshake": null, 83 "display_url": "https://www.instagram.com/p/DEnrkoisS37/?__a=1&__d=dis&hl=en/media/?size=l", 84 "shortcode": "DEnrkoisS37", 85 "content_type": "Reel", 86 "pk": "3541991265383034363", 87 "content_id": "DEnrkoisS37", 88 "engagement_score_view": 16384, 89 "thumbnail": "https://instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/472454364_18485451343003661_8301411466355177501_n.jpg?stp=c0.459.1178.1178a_dst-jpg_e35_s640x640_sh0.08_tt6&_nc_ht=instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=JHJlPr0NAbgQ7kNvgHclbkY&_nc_gid=db5007280a72435cb6a7317237865270&edm=AABBvjUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYBA77GJDo2aq0H8iTE-aXlaXmOSqgW3zx-oPvvLjIqeLQ&oe=678F99EE&_nc_sid=4f4799", 90 "video_view_count": "16384", 91 "product_type": "clips", 92 "coauthor_producers": null, 93 "tagged_users": [ 94 { 95 "full_name": "Clinique Portugal Market", 96 "id": "1218941374", 97 "is_verified": true, 98 "profile_pic_url": "https://instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-19/275466473_1144882346334894_1753971632245538969_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s150x150_tt6&_nc_ht=instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=oz_f34nfTPQQ7kNvgEerpn_&_nc_gid=db5007280a72435cb6a7317237865270&edm=AABBvjUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYDcBJt_xdPdiTb4wr8wiyBJpLooqkbFXxzXT6Gnodx-UA&oe=678FC23C&_nc_sid=4f4799", 99 "username": "cliniqueportugal" 100 } 101 ], 102 "video_play_count": 44299, 103 "followers": 57876, 104 "posts_count": 3852, 105 "profile_image_link": "https://instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-19/336494325_718773926652151_3081931411584012305_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s150x150_tt6&_nc_ht=instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=m8SkA1rWjGgQ7kNvgEfq6rV&_nc_gid=db5007280a72435cb6a7317237865270&edm=AABBvjUBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AYD1uUPVbxEJds3UTOPZUWgmULGAlFjiKHOAFVuILhq8VA&oe=678F9A6B&_nc_sid=4f4799", 106 "is_verified": true, 107 "is_paid_partnership": false, 108 "partnership_details": { 109 "profile_id": null, 110 "profile_url": null, 111 "username": null 112 }, 113 "user_posted_id": "185219660", 114 "post_content": [ 115 { 116 "index": 0, 117 "type": "Video", 118 "url": "https://instagram.ftnr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/o1/v/t16/f2/m86/AQPRRGyTB74Jmf9VXuLyHat7KkRM9VM_5QTHu2Axz5QjxT4av8_tjRSiBgQFMYRlpSqcKfMkHPXJ-RUl3OTtgBJp5IJAIDrH4h3goGI.mp4?stp=dst-mp4&efg=eyJxZV9ncm91cHMiOiJbXCJpZ193ZWJfZGVsaXZlcnlfdnRzX290ZlwiXSIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidnRzX3ZvZF91cmxnZW4uY2xpcHMuYzIuNzIwLmJhc2VsaW5lIn0&_nc_cat=104&vs=914725777449258_843979142&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYUmlnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfc3JfcHJvZC9GODQwMjczRDlEMzg3OTY0Q0NEMTlGMzJEMUFCMjI4Ml92aWRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2hfZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dPVjNJeHo4NVBnVUNXUURBSTBwQWRoUUg0SVFicV9FQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbABUAACaSrqeXx8qRQBUCKAJDMywXQDPP3ztkWh0YEmRhc2hfYmFzZWxpbmVfMV92MREAdf4HAA%3D%3D&_nc_rid=db500829eb&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AYAdeouzzb2aN0jp5MrIdA-T8tLD6t-bY3psNQHpR-8amQ&oe=678BCAAA&_nc_sid=4f4799" 119 } 120 ], 121 "audio": { 122 "audio_asset_id": "1424564281572156", 123 "ig_artist_id": "maro.musica", 124 "ig_artist_username": "maro.musica", 125 "original_audio_title": "MARO - BIRDS OF A FEATHER (cover)" 126 }, 127 "profile_url": "https://www.instagram.com/driziinha" 128 }
Actor Metrics
7 monthly users
1 star
82% runs succeeded
Created in Jan 2025
Modified 7 days ago