Apify Users
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Apify Users
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This Apify Users Actor retrieves data from Apify, allowing to filter, and returns a list of users as a Dataset.
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Created in Mar 2025
Modified a day ago
Apify Users Actor
This Apify Users Actor retrieves data from Apify, allowing to filter, and returns a list of users as a Dataset.
Input of this actor should be JSON containing filter specification. Allowed filters are:
Field | Type | Description | Allowed values |
limit | Number | Maximum amount of items to return. | Any number value |
username | String | Filter by username. The filter checks if the username contains the input value. | Any string value |
amountActorsMinimum | Number | Filter by the minium amount of actors. Input value must be greater than the amount of actors. | Any number value |
amountActorsMaximum | Number | Filter by the maximum amount of actors. Input value must be lower than the amount of actors. | Any number value |
orderBy | String | Order by a specific field | amountActorsAscending, amountActorsDescending |
Example result:
1{ 2 "limit": 10, 3 "username": "prog-party", 4 "amountActorsMinimum": 0, 5 "amountActorsMaximum": 666, 6 "orderBy": "amountActorsDescending" 7}
Once the actor finishes, it will add each Apify actor to the Dataset.
Example result:
1{ 2 "username": "prog-party", 3 "userFullName": "Prog Party", 4 "website": "https://apify.com/prog-party", 5 "amountActors": 3, 6 "actorstats_totalBuilds": 20, 7 "actorstats_totalRuns": 20, 8 "actorstats_totalUsers": 3, 9 "actorstats_totalUsers7Days": 3, 10 "actorstats_totalUsers30Days": 3, 11 "actorstats_totalUsers90Days": 3, 12 "actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_ABORTED": 0, 13 "actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_FAILED": 0, 14 "actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_SUCCEEDED": 8, 15 "actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_TIMED_OUT": 0, 16 "actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_TOTAL": 8, 17 "averageActorReviewRating": 0, 18 "userPictureUrl": "https://images.apifyusercontent.com/RBvLbTrWao8DrFFrxIlgOcI6nlEJBvqsi_O49Y9qf6o/rs:fill:32:32/cb:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGlmeS1pbWFnZS11cGxvYWRzLXByb2QuczMudXMtZWFzdC0xLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vWkFmam1ENVc4VWp6bHA4cnQtcHJvZmlsZS1XYWw1bkZlYmV3LTIwMjUwMzAzXzE3MTcwMC5wbmc.png", 19 "shortDescription": "Elite software developers crafting robust, innovative solutions with passion and fun 🤩", 20 "longDescription": "Welcome to **ProgParty** – **Jens den Braber** and **Dennis Rosenbaum** combine their 30 years of expertise to build robust and innovative software solutions.\\\\n\\\\n- 🏆 **Who we are**: Highly experienced full-stack software developers and highly experienced friends\\\\n- 🤖 **What we do**: Craft high-performance applications, optimize workflows, and automate complex processes.\\\\n- 🚀 **Our mission**: Scrape the world that enhance efficiency and drive business success.\\\\n- ⚡ **Our tech stack**: C# / .NET / Azure / React / TypeScript / Microservices / Cloud-native architecture.\\\\n- 🛠 **Scraping \\u0026 automation**: Skilled in data extraction, API integrations, and workflow automation.\\\\n- 📩 **Work with us**: Open to new scrape ideas – reach out via [LinkedIn Jens](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jensdenbraber/) | [LinkedIn Dennis](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennis-rosenbaum/).\\\\n\\\\nIf you have any requests, we are here to help you 💪", 21 "githubUsername": "Prog-Party", 22 "websiteUrl": "", 23 "twitterUsername": "", 24 "linkedinUrl": "", 25 "publicEmail": "$undefined" 26}