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Apify Users

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Apify Users

Apify Users

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This Apify Users Actor retrieves data from Apify, allowing to filter, and returns a list of users as a Dataset.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • No bookmarks yet

  • Created in Mar 2025

  • Modified 21 hours ago

Apify Users Actor

This Apify Users Actor retrieves data from Apify, allowing to filter, and returns a list of users as a Dataset.


Input of this actor should be JSON containing filter specification. Allowed filters are:

FieldTypeDescriptionAllowed values
limitNumberMaximum amount of items to return.Any number value
usernameStringFilter by username. The filter checks if the username contains the input value.Any string value
amountActorsMinimumNumberFilter by the minium amount of actors. Input value must be greater than the amount of actors.Any number value
amountActorsMaximumNumberFilter by the maximum amount of actors. Input value must be lower than the amount of actors.Any number value
orderByStringOrder by a specific fieldamountActorsAscending, amountActorsDescending

Example result:

2    "limit": 10,
3    "username": "prog-party",
4    "amountActorsMinimum": 0,
5    "amountActorsMaximum": 666,
6	"orderBy": "amountActorsDescending"


Once the actor finishes, it will add each Apify actor to the Dataset.

Example result:

2	"username": "prog-party",
3	"userFullName": "Prog Party",
4	"website": "https://apify.com/prog-party",
5	"amountActors": 3,
6	"actorstats_totalBuilds": 20,
7	"actorstats_totalRuns": 20,
8	"actorstats_totalUsers": 3,
9	"actorstats_totalUsers7Days": 3,
10	"actorstats_totalUsers30Days": 3,
11	"actorstats_totalUsers90Days": 3,
12	"actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_ABORTED": 0,
13	"actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_FAILED": 0,
14	"actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_SUCCEEDED": 8,
15	"actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_TIMED_OUT": 0,
16	"actorstats_publicActorRunStats30Days_TOTAL": 8,
17	"averageActorReviewRating": 0,
18	"userPictureUrl": "https://images.apifyusercontent.com/RBvLbTrWao8DrFFrxIlgOcI6nlEJBvqsi_O49Y9qf6o/rs:fill:32:32/cb:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGlmeS1pbWFnZS11cGxvYWRzLXByb2QuczMudXMtZWFzdC0xLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vWkFmam1ENVc4VWp6bHA4cnQtcHJvZmlsZS1XYWw1bkZlYmV3LTIwMjUwMzAzXzE3MTcwMC5wbmc.png",
19	"shortDescription": "Elite software developers crafting robust, innovative solutions with passion and fun 🤩",
20	"longDescription": "Welcome to **ProgParty** – **Jens den Braber** and **Dennis Rosenbaum** combine their 30 years of expertise to build robust and innovative software solutions.\\\\n\\\\n- 🏆 **Who we are**: Highly experienced full-stack software developers and highly experienced friends\\\\n- 🤖 **What we do**: Craft high-performance applications, optimize workflows, and automate complex processes.\\\\n- 🚀 **Our mission**: Scrape the world that enhance efficiency and drive business success.\\\\n- ⚡ **Our tech stack**: C# / .NET / Azure / React / TypeScript / Microservices / Cloud-native architecture.\\\\n- 🛠 **Scraping \\u0026 automation**: Skilled in data extraction, API integrations, and workflow automation.\\\\n- 📩 **Work with us**: Open to new scrape ideas – reach out via [LinkedIn Jens](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jensdenbraber/) | [LinkedIn Dennis](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennis-rosenbaum/).\\\\n\\\\nIf you have any requests, we are here to help you 💪",
21	"githubUsername": "Prog-Party",
22	"websiteUrl": "",
23	"twitterUsername": "",
24	"linkedinUrl": "",
25	"publicEmail": "$undefined"