Twitter List Scraper
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Scrape posts from any public list of Twitter accounts. Get user info, username, location, follower/following count, profile URL/image/banner, date of creation. Export scraped datasets, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.
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Get a demois_root_thread was working correctly for the last days but now it seems that is_thread and is_root_thread logic is broken. for all records it shows the value false even if it is a thread or first tweet of a thread. can you please check and fix it?
You are using the wrong outdated build. You need to use . Sorry, taking this back, we need to analyzeversion-1
Hello Lukas,
Thanks for your reply. It would be amazing if you can fix it. This way unfortunately the data is a little bit too dirty to work with.
Hi E K,
Unfortunately, Twitter put everything behind a login, you can now only scrape single tweets without a login.
If you want to scrape everything, you can use this, and you need to provide cookies to it, here is how:
Hey, will this ever be solved?
Hey E K,
This issue is fixed and it will be released soon.
Unfortunately it doesnt seem to be working properly will you check and fix it if possible?
As data without login is available once again for Twitter, will you maintain this actor?
Hey E K,
Data without login is limited to profiles and tweets, profiles are limited to 100 tweets (some less) and some profiles are behind login, and this is out of our hands at the moment:
This one redirects to the login page: This one doesn’t:
Oh ok, you are right havent noticed that. Thanks for the info
Coming to my question the is_root_thread logic still seems to be not working properly, is it possible to check that? Some records that has is_root_thread='yes' are not really threads at all. It would be amazing if you can check it.
Can you please send me a run so I can check (id or link)
Sure, i can also provide some examples:
For the run id :o3F3lyKAQ6x4vUhk7
Wrong samples:
Thread logged as is_root_thread='no'
Not a Thread logged as is_root_thread='yes'
Hey E K,
Unfortunately, the information is being received in its current form directly from the Twitter response, and we lack any means of validating it through alternative methods.