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Amazon Product Search


$29.00/month + usage

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Amazon Product Search

Amazon Product Search


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Maintained by Community

Amazon Product Search is an Apify Actor that scrapes product data from Amazon search results pages. It extracts key details such as product titles, prices, images, links, ratings, review counts, and whether the product is marked as sponsored.

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$29.00/month + usage


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Last modified

a month ago

🔍 Amazon Product Search

Amazon Product Search is an Apify Actor that scrapes product data from Amazon search results pages. It extracts key details such as product titles, prices, images, links, ratings, review counts, and whether the product is marked as sponsored.

🚀 Features

  • Scrapes product titles, prices, images, links, ratings, review counts, and sponsored indicators.
  • Constructs dynamic search URLs based on a provided search query.
  • Employs Puppeteer with Stealth mode to help bypass bot detection.
  • Utilizes Apify's request queue and proxy configuration to manage crawling and reduce the risk of blocking.
  • Stores results in an Apify Dataset in JSON format for easy export and further processing.

📥 Input Parameters

The Actor accepts the following input parameters:

ParameterTypeDescriptionDefault Value
searchQuerystringAmazon search query (e.g., "dress")."dress"
products_maxnumber(Optional) Maximum number of products to scrape (if implemented).Infinity

Note: The actor dynamically constructs the search URL using the provided searchQuery parameter.

📤 Output

The Actor outputs a structured JSON dataset containing product details. A sample output might look like:

2  "url": "",
3  "products": [
4    {
5      "title": "Sponsored Ad - Example Product Title",
6      "link": "",
7      "image": "",
8      "price": "$49.99",
9      "rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars",
10      "reviews": "61",
11      "sponsored": true
12    },
13    {
14      "title": "Regular Product Title",
15      "link": "",
16      "image": "",
17      "price": "$39.99",
18      "rating": "4.5 out of 5 stars",
19      "reviews": "102",
20      "sponsored": false
21    }
22  ]

🔍 How It Works

Input Handling

The Actor reads its input via Actor.getInput() and extracts the searchQuery parameter. It then constructs the corresponding Amazon search URL.

Crawling & Data Extraction

Using Crawlee's PuppeteerCrawler with Puppeteer Stealth enabled, the Actor navigates to the Amazon search results page. It:

  • Waits for search result elements (using the selector div.s-result-item) to load.
  • Scrolls the page to trigger lazy loading.
  • Extracts product details such as:
    • Title: from elements like h2.a-size-base-plus
    • Link: from relevant anchor tags (ensuring a complete URL)
    • Image URL: from img.s-image
    • Price: from span.a-offscreen
    • Rating and review count
    • Sponsored indicator: from any label denoting sponsorship

Data Storage

Extracted data is stored in Apify’s default dataset, making it available for further processing or export in JSON format.

Proxy & Robustness

The Actor leverages Apify’s proxy configuration (e.g., residential proxies) and sets an extended request timeout to ensure a smooth scraping process while reducing the risk of being blocked.

This project is intended for educational and research purposes only. Use of this Actor must comply with Amazon’s Terms of Service and robots.txt policies.

  • Compliance: Ensure your scraping activities do not violate Amazon’s policies.
  • Ethical Considerations: Avoid aggressive scraping practices that might harm Amazon's infrastructure.
  • Intended Use: For commercial or production use, consider exploring Amazon’s official API solutions.


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

2 hours

