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Zalando Price Alert


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Zalando Price Alert

Zalando Price Alert


Developed by

Scraper One

Maintained by Community

Extract current prices of selected Zalando products and receive email notifications when they drop below a defined threshold. Combine with Apify Schedule to create a complete price monitoring system.

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11 hours ago

An Apify actor that extracts current prices of selected Zalando products. Optionally, it sends an email notification if the price drops below a specified threshold.


  • 🔍 Extracts current prices of Zalando products
  • ✉️ Sends email notifications when prices drop below defined thresholds
  • 🎯 Supports size-specific price checks
  • ⏰ Can be scheduled with Apify Schedule for regular automated checks
  • 📊 Ideal for price tracking, discount monitoring, and smart shopping automation

Input Parameters

The actor accepts the following input parameters in JSON format.
You can configure up to three individual products or provide a list of products using the bulkProducts array.

🎯 Individual Product Configuration

Each of the following sections allows you to track a specific product by providing its URL, size, and price threshold:

  • firstProductUrl (string) – URL of the first Zalando product to monitor

  • firstProductSize (string, optional) – Size variant to monitor (e.g. "28x30", "M")

  • firstProductPriceThreshold (number, optional) – Price threshold for the first product

  • secondProductUrl (string) – URL of the second product to monitor

  • secondProductSize (string, optional) – Size variant to monitor

  • secondProductPriceThreshold (number, optional) – Price threshold for the second product

  • thirdProductUrl (string) – URL of the third product to monitor

  • thirdProductSize (string, optional) – Size variant to monitor

  • thirdProductPriceThreshold (number, optional) – Price threshold for the third product

💡 If priceThreshold is not set for a product, it will always be returned regardless of its price.

📦 Bulk Product Configuration (Alternative)

  • bulkProducts (array) – An array of product objects. Each object supports:
    • url (string) – URL of the Zalando product page
    • size (string, optional) – Size variant to monitor
    • priceThreshold (number, optional) – Price threshold below which an alert should trigger

📝 If both individual products and bulkProducts are provided, all will be processed.

📧 Notifications

  • emailNotification (boolean) – Whether to send an email alert when a product is below its price threshold
  • emailAddress (string) – Email address to receive notifications (required if emailNotification is true)

💡 Example Input

2  "firstProductUrl": "",
3  "firstProductSize": "38 2/3",
4  "firstProductPriceThreshold": 120,
6  "secondProductUrl": "",
7  "secondProductSize": "25x29",
8  "secondProductPriceThreshold": 600,
10  "thirdProductUrl": "",
11  "thirdProductPriceThreshold": 150,
13  "bulkProducts": [
14    {
15      "url": "",
16      "size": "42",
17      "priceThreshold": 300
18    },
19    {
20      "url": "",
21      "size": "40 2/3",
22      "priceThreshold": 250
23    }
24  ],
26  "emailNotification": false,
27  "emailAddress": ""

Output Data

The actor returns a JSON array with detailed product information. Each object includes:

  • url – Product URL
  • productPicture – Image URL of the product
  • productName – Product name
  • alertStatetrue if the price is below the threshold
  • priceThreshold – Price threshold defined in input
  • emailNotificationSent – Whether an email was sent for this product
  • matchedProductVariants – Array of matching size variants with current prices

Example Output

2  {
3    "url": "",
4    "productPicture": "",
5    "productName": "Adidas Terrex AX4  - Hiking shoes - olive strata/wonder beige/core black",
6    "alertState": true,
7    "priceThreshold": 120,
8    "emailNotificationSent": false,
9    "matchedProductVariants": [
10      {
11        "size": "38 2/3",
12        "price": 109.95,
13        "priceCurrency": "EUR"
14      }
15    ]
16  },
17  {
18    "url": "",
19    "productPicture": "",
20    "productName": "Levi's® - Jeansy Relaxed Fit",
21    "alertState": true,
22    "priceThreshold": 600,
23    "emailNotificationSent": false,
24    "matchedProductVariants": [
25      {
26        "size": "25x29",
27        "price": 539,
28        "priceCurrency": "PLN"
29      }
30    ]
31  },
32  {
33    "url": "",
34    "productPicture": "",
35    "productName": "Adidas Terrex AX4  - Hiking shoes - core black/carbon/grey four",
36    "alertState": true,
37    "priceThreshold": 150,
38    "emailNotificationSent": false,
39    "matchedProductVariants": [
40      {
41        "size": "38 2/3",
42        "price": 109.95,
43        "priceCurrency": "EUR"
44      },
45      {
46        "size": "39 1/3",
47        "price": 109.95,
48        "priceCurrency": "EUR"
49      }
50    ]
51  }


  1. Deploy or run the actor on the Apify platform.
  2. Provide the list of product URLs and optional price thresholds/sizes.
  3. Enable emailNotification and set emailAddress if alerts are desired.
  4. Optionally, use Apify Schedule to run the actor regularly.
  5. Monitor product prices and receive email alerts automatically.

Email notifications

The email message that would be sent will look more or less like this:

  • From: Zalando Price Alert

  • Subject: 📉 Price alert: Watched Zalando product(s) are now below your set threshold

  • Message: information about product(s): name, image, price and a link to original Zalando page

  • Make sure to check the spam folder of your inbox and mark the email as not spam to ensure future delivery❗

Limitations & Notes

  • Only publicly accessible Zalando product pages are supported.
  • If multiple sizes are available and no size is specified, all variants will be listed.
  • If the priceThreshold for the product is not set, the product will always be returned in results, regardless of its price.
  • Email will only be sent if emailNotification is set to true and price threshold is crossed or no price threshold set.

Support & Contact

✉️ If you encounter issues or need help, feel free to open an issue or contact us at


Pricing model

Pay per event 

This Actor is paid per result. You are not charged for the Apify platform usage, but only a fixed price for each dataset of 1,000 items in the Actor outputs.

Initialize actor


Initialize actor

Check product price


Check product price, all sizes or just the one that was set

Send email notification


Send email notification - one email per one actor run