Fast News Scraper
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Fast News Scraper
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3 days trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now
Extract full article text and metadata from popular news sites like The New York Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, BBC, CNBC, and Wired. Scrape thousands of articles in just a few minutes. Scape a single site or provide a list of article URLs to scrape.
- Fixed issue where supplying articleURLs would lead to an error.
- Added support for CNBC.
- Fixed an issue with missing descriptions for Wired.
- Added support for The Washington Post.
- Fixed an issue where the NYTimes scraper would waste time retrying a batch of articles that returned no results.
- Switched to scraping from CNN's lite version of its site, which greatly reduces bandwidth and increases speed.
- Added support for The New York Times.
- Added
input fields. These only work with The New York Times.