Youtube Channel Email Finder
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Youtube Channel Email Finder
Scrape & download all the details about a channel from the YouTube channel's "About" page. Get emails, phone numbers, locations, & social media profiles including TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Download structured data in JSON, CSV, XML, Excel, and HTML.
Running even a default scraping session gives 0 results and a plethora of errors
Something about xpath. ran one campaign for 5 hours with 0 results, used default settings and etc, still no results. Tired using different proxies too, still no results. Yep, I think the tool is broken.
I will look into this. If you can send logs it always speeds up the process.
Thanks for the prompt response! Attaching the full log below.
Hey, just wanted to check if you had some time to look into this?
Same issues here. Just added a simple and famous word and got 0 results.
There was an update by YouTube that broke some functionality, we are working on an update and will deploy it soon. Sorry for the delay.
Any update? Seems to still be broken.. Just tried to run using direct URLs and got this repeatedly in the logs:
2023-06-06T19:46:08.186Z Error: Getting-channelName-failed - Raw error: waiting for XPath //*[@id="header"]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/ytd-channel-name/div/div/yt-formatted-string
failed: timeout 120ms exceeded
An update has been released. Please let me know if you still have issues.