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Airbnb Scraper
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Airbnb Scraper

Airbnb Scraper

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No credit card required

Scrape whole cities or extract data from hundreds of Airbnb rentals in seconds. Extract host information, addresses, locations, prices, availability, stars, reviews, images, and host/guest details for free. Download scraped data in various formats including HTML, JSON and Excel.



Location name as you would search it on Airbnb.

Number of results


Limit the amount of results you want. Higher limits will take longer to scrape. If you want to get all results, leave this field blank or use a really big number.

Keep the dataset Excel friendly


The scraper will get only core listing data from the Airbnb search result page.

Default value of this property is false

Link to an Airbnb Place


Link to a room, house, flat, or apartment. When using this field, the scraper will ignore the Destination field and will get results only for specific listings.

Include reviews


Do you want to scrape reviews as well?

Default value of this property is true

Max number of reviews


Limit the maximum number of reviews per listing. A higher number of reviews will take longer to scrape. If you leave this field undefined, all available reviews will be extracted. You can also use maxReviews: -1 to denote explicitly that you want to get all reviews.

Availability for next months


Scrape the host's calendar to monitor the listing's availability for future months. E.g. set 12 to get data for the whole year, set 0 to skip the calendar altogether.

Default value of this property is 0

Include host info


Scrape primary host info such as host URL and number of listings. This works in sync with the Keep the dataset Excel friendly toggle ↑

Default value of this property is false



Localization that should be used for listing details and review comments. If unset, localization is inferred from each Airbnb start URL or is set to English if no start URLs are provided.

Value options:

"sk-SK": string"en-US": string"en-GB": string"en-AU": string"cs-CZ": string"az-AZ": string"id-ID": string"bs-BA": string"ca-ES": string"sr-ME": string"da-DK": string"de-DE": string"de-AT": string"de-CH": string"et-EE": string"en-CA": string"en-GY": string"en-IN": string"en-IE": string"en-NZ": string"en-SG": string"en-AE": string"es-AR": string"es-BZ": string"es-BO": string"es-CL": string"es-CO": string"es-CR": string"es-EC": string"es-SV": string"es-ES": string"es-US": string"es-GT": string"es-HN": string"es-419": string"es-MX": string"es-NI": string"es-PA": string"es-PY": string"es-PE": string"es-VE": string"fr-BE": string"fr-CA": string"fr-FR": string"fr-CH": string"ga-IE": string"hr-HR": string"xh-ZA": string"zu-ZA": string"is-IS": string"it-IT": string"it-CH": string"sw-XX": string"lv-LV": string"lt-LT": string"hu-HU": string"mt-MT": string"ms-MY": string"nl-BE": string"nl-NL": string"no-NO": string"pl-PL": string"pt-BR": string"pt-PT": string"ro-RO": string"sq-AL": string"sl-SI": string"sr-RS": string"fi-FI": string"sv-SE": string"tl-PH": string"vi-VN": string"tr-TR": string"el-GR": string"bg-BG": string"mk-MK": string"ru-RU": string"uk-UA": string"ka-GE": string"hy-AM": string"he-IL": string"ar-XX": string"hi-IN": string"th-TH": string"ko-KR": string"ja-JP": string"zh-US": string"zh-TW-US": string"zh-CN": string"zh-HK": string"zh-TW": string



Currency for displayed prices.

Value options:

"ADP": string"AED": string"AFA": string"AFN": string"ALK": string"ALL": string"AMD": string"ANG": string"AOA": string"AOK": string"AON": string"AOR": string"ARA": string"ARP": string"ARS": string"ARY": string"ATS": string"AUD": string"AWG": string"AYM": string"AZM": string"AZN": string"BAD": string"BAM": string"BBD": string"BDT": string"BEC": string"BEF": string"BEL": string"BGJ": string"BGK": string"BGL": string"BGN": string"BHD": string"BIF": string"BMD": string"BND": string"BOB": string"BOP": string"BOV": string"BRB": string"BRC": string"BRE": string"BRL": string"BRN": string"BRR": string"BSD": string"BTN": string"BUK": string"BWP": string"BYB": string"BYN": string"BYR": string"BZD": string"CAD": string"CDF": string"CHC": string"CHE": string"CHF": string"CHW": string"CLF": string"CLP": string"CNX": string"CNY": string"COP": string"COU": string"CRC": string"CSD": string"CSJ": string"CSK": string"CUC": string"CUP": string"CVE": string"CYP": string"CZK": string"DDM": string"DEM": string"DJF": string"DKK": string"DOP": string"DZD": string"ECS": string"ECV": string"EEK": string"EGP": string"ERN": string"ESA": string"ESB": string"ESP": string"ETB": string"EUR": string"FIM": string"FJD": string"FKP": string"FRF": string"GBP": string"GEK": string"GEL": string"GHC": string"GHP": string"GHS": string"GIP": string"GMD": string"GNE": string"GNF": string"GNS": string"GQE": string"GRD": string"GTQ": string"GWE": string"GWP": string"GYD": string"HKD": string"HNL": string"HRD": string"HRK": string"HTG": string"HUF": string"IDR": string"IEP": string"ILP": string"ILR": string"ILS": string"INR": string"IQD": string"IRR": string"ISJ": string"ISK": string"ITL": string"JMD": string"JOD": string"JPY": string"KES": string"KGS": string"KHR": string"KMF": string"KPW": string"KRW": string"KWD": string"KYD": string"KZT": string"LAJ": string"LAK": string"LBP": string"LKR": string"LRD": string"LSL": string"LSM": string"LTL": string"LTT": string"LUC": string"LUF": string"LUL": string"LVL": string"LVR": string"LYD": string"MAD": string"MDL": string"MGA": string"MGF": string"MKD": string"MLF": string"MMK": string"MNT": string"MOP": string"MRO": string"MTL": string"MTP": string"MUR": string"MVQ": string"MVR": string"MWK": string"MXN": string"MXP": string"MXV": string"MYR": string"MZE": string"MZM": string"MZN": string"NAD": string"NGN": string"NIC": string"NIO": string"NLG": string"NOK": string"NPR": string"NZD": string"OMR": string"PAB": string"PEH": string"PEI": string"PEN": string"PES": string"PGK": string"PHP": string"PKR": string"PLN": string"PLZ": string"PTE": string"PYG": string"QAR": string"RHD": string"ROK": string"ROL": string"RON": string"RSD": string"RUB": string"RUR": string"RWF": string"SAR": string"SBD": string"SCR": string"SDD": string"SDG": string"SDP": string"SEK": string"SGD": string"SHP": string"SIT": string"SKK": string"SLL": string"SOS": string"SRD": string"SRG": string"SSP": string"STD": string"SUR": string"SVC": string"SYP": string"SZL": string"THB": string"TJR": string"TJS": string"TMM": string"TMT": string"TND": string"TOP": string"TPE": string"TRL": string"TRY": string"TTD": string"TWD": string"TZS": string"UAH": string"UAK": string"UGS": string"UGW": string"UGX": string"USD": string"USN": string"USS": string"UYI": string"UYN": string"UYP": string"UYU": string"UZS": string"VEB": string"VEF": string"VNC": string"VND": string"VUV": string"WST": string"XAF": string"XAG": string"XAU": string"XBA": string"XBB": string"XBC": string"XBD": string"XCD": string"XDR": string"XEU": string"XFO": string"XFU": string"XOF": string"XPD": string"XPF": string"XPT": string"XRE": string"XSU": string"XTS": string"XUA": string"XXX": string"YDD": string"YER": string"YUD": string"YUM": string"YUN": string"ZAL": string"ZAR": string"ZMK": string"ZMW": string"ZRN": string"ZRZ": string"ZWC": string"ZWD": string"ZWL": string"ZWN": string"ZWR": string

Default value of this property is "USD"

Minimum price


Filter listings based on a minimum price per night.

Maximum price


Filter listings based on a maximum price per night.

Check-in date (YYYY-MM-DD)


Check-out date (YYYY-MM-DD)


Proxy configuration


Use Apify Proxy or your custom Proxy.

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":true}

Max concurrency


Defines how many pages can be processed by the scraper in parallel. The scraper automatically increases and decreases concurrency based on available system resources. Use this option to set a hard limit.

Default value of this property is 50

Limit points


Limits the number of geo points returned by the reverse API. The higher the number, the longer it takes. There's no upper limit.

Default value of this property is 100

Timeout milliseconds


Override the default 60s (60.000ms) timeout when not using Link to Airbnb Place.

Default value of this property is 300000

Debug Log


Shows additional debugging information.

Default value of this property is false

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 337 monthly users
  • 98.6% runs succeeded
  • 21.7 days response time
  • Created in Dec 2019
  • Modified 11 days ago