Yelp Scraper
Pay $2.50 for 1,000 Results
This Actor may be unreliable while under maintenance. Would you like to try a similar Actor instead?
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Pay $2.50 for 1,000 Results
Free Yelp web scraper to extract data from Yelp. Fast Yelp review scraper, but also gets business details and ratings without using the Yelp API.
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Get a demoHey, there seems to be some problem with the actor, most likely the yelp website has changed, we will look into it.
Hey, I ran your input mostly without problem (see here: so I guess it is caused by proxies. I would guess your proxies have been all blocked by yelp. I would consider purchasing more proxies (or trying residentials).
Hey, one more thought, I tested further more and decided to have residential proxies as default, as with residential proxies you shouldnt encounter this problem anymore. Give it a try?