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Reddit Scraper Lite

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Reddit Scraper Lite

Reddit Scraper Lite

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This Actor is paid per event

Pay Per Result, unlimited Reddit web scraper to crawl posts, comments, communities, and users without login. Limit web scraping by number of posts or items and extract all data in a dataset in multiple formats.


Can't understand how to use it

nikandtsp opened this issue
6 months ago

As I understand there are basically two scrapers in one: url + skip* flags and searches and search* flags. Is it correct? Is every searches element is a separate search?

I'm running it with {searches: ["some request"], searchPosts: true} and still getting comments. Can I scrape only posts?

trudax avatar

Yes you can, can you share your run ID so I can check your input?



5 months ago

I'm sorry, got destructed for some time. Here is an example searchPosts: true, searchComments: false, and yet there are comments in the results.

trudax avatar

Set skip comments to true

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 436 monthly users


  • 92% runs succeeded

  • 22 hours response time

  • Created in Jun 2020

  • Modified 3 days ago