Twitter Get Followers List By V2
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Pay $2.00 for 1,000 results
Twitter Get Followers List by V2
Hi, I have tried to run this actor to get followers details of a user, but it's only returned 47
You can get the next page of data by returning the data “cursor“
At the end of result, I see the below cursor values. Which cursor value returns the next page results? Btw, can you share your discord id?
{ "sortIndex": "1795438295698636753", "content": { "entryType": "TimelineTimelineCursor", "__typename": "TimelineTimelineCursor", "cursorType": "Bottom", "value": "1799753838987455195|1795438295698636751" }, "entryId": "cursor-bottom-1795438295698636753" }, { "sortIndex": "1795438295698636801", "content": { "entryType": "TimelineTimelineCursor", "__typename": "TimelineTimelineCursor", "cursorType": "Top", "value": "-1|1795438295698636801" }, "entryId": "cursor-top-1795438295698636801" }
Use "cursorType": "Bottom" to page down, where the value is the cursor, "1799753838987455195|1795438295698636751", sure DC: tel:
使用 "cursorType": "Bottom", 是向下翻页其中的value就是游标 ,“1799753838987455195|1795438295698636751”
Actor Metrics
21 monthly users
5 stars
>99% runs succeeded
24 hours response time
Created in May 2024
Modified 5 days ago