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Gumtree Scraper
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Gumtree Scraper

Gumtree Scraper


Export data from search results of, the free classified ads, and community website. Get images, location, prices, and descriptions of the available products and adverts. Save the data as HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, or XML.


Gumtree list links that contains products you want to be scraped.

Default value of this property is [""]

Maximum Product Count:


Scraper will stop running when successfully scrapes X amount of products or when reaches maximum number of page Gumtree allows.

Default value of this property is 10

Scraper Mode:


You can either scrape generic info (30 products with 1 web request) or more detailled info (30 products with 31 web requests).

Value options:

"0": string"1": string

Default value of this property is "1"

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used by your crawler.

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":true}

Maintained by Community