Flickr Scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 results

Flickr Scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 results
This actor scrapes photos and videos from the https://www.flickr.com website.
Actor Metrics
2 monthly users
No reviews yet
>99% runs succeeded
Created in May 2023
Modified a year ago
What does Flickr Scraper do?
This actor scrapes photos and videos from Flickr's website.
Here's input example in JSON:
1{ 2 // Search Queries Options 3 "searchQueries": ["Cat"], 4 "desiredMediaCount": 100, 5 "searchType": "TEXT", 6 "sortType": "RELEVANCE", 7 "licenseType": "ALL", 8 "mediaMinSize": "SMALL", 9 10 // Media Content Options 11 "includePhotos": false, 12 "includeScreenshots": false, 13 "includeIllustrations": false, 14 "includeVirtualPhotography": false, 15 "includeVideos": true, 16 17 // Orientation Options 18 "landscape": true, 19 "portrait": true, 20 "square": true, 21 "panorama": true, 22 23 // Style Options 24 "shallowDepthOfField": false, 25 "minimalism": false, 26 "blackAndWhite": false, 27 "pattern": false, 28 29 // Date Options 30 "dateSearchType": "DATE_TAKEN", 31 "maxDate": null, 32 "minDate": null, 33 34 // Color Options 35 "red": false, 36 "darkOrange": false, 37 "orange": false, 38 "palePink": false, 39 "lemonYellow": false, 40 "schoolBusYellow": false, 41 "green": false, 42 "darkLimeGreen": false, 43 "cyan": false, 44 "blue": false, 45 "violet": false, 46 "pink": false, 47 "white": false, 48 "gray": false, 49 "black": false 50}
For the full list of optional parameters, their default values, and how to set the values of your own, see the Input Schema tab.
Flickr Scraper data output
The output for the scrape is stored in the dataset. After the run is finished, you can download the dataset in various data formats (JSON, CSV, XML, RSS, HTML Table).
Output example
1{ 2 "id": "5584094250", 3 "owner": "33194276@N05", 4 "secret": "18d7f38812", 5 "server": "5150", 6 "farm": 6, 7 "title": "MIZUKI video", 8 "ispublic": 1, 9 "isfriend": 0, 10 "isfamily": 0, 11 "safe": 0, 12 "license": "0", 13 "needs_interstitial": 0, 14 "description": { 15 "_content": "たまにはみずきの動画をUP.\nSometimes Upload MIZUKI video." 16 }, 17 "rotation": 0, 18 "ownername": "ryoichi360", 19 "realname": "ryoichi", 20 "count_faves": "0", 21 "count_comments": "2", 22 "can_comment": 0, 23 "permissions": { 24 "permcomment": 3, 25 "permprint": 0 26 }, 27 "can_print": 0, 28 "media": "video", 29 "media_status": "ready", 30 "pathalias": "ryoichi360", 31 "url": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/ryoichi360/5584094250", 32 "images": [ 33 { 34 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_s.jpg", 35 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_s.jpg", 36 "height": 75, 37 "width": 75 38 }, 39 { 40 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_q.jpg", 41 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_q.jpg", 42 "height": 150, 43 "width": 150 44 }, 45 { 46 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_t.jpg", 47 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_t.jpg", 48 "height": 56, 49 "width": 100 50 }, 51 { 52 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_m.jpg", 53 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_m.jpg", 54 "height": 135, 55 "width": 240 56 }, 57 { 58 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_n.jpg", 59 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_n.jpg", 60 "height": 180, 61 "width": 320 62 }, 63 { 64 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_w.jpg", 65 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_w.jpg", 66 "height": 225, 67 "width": 400 68 }, 69 { 70 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812.jpg", 71 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812.jpg", 72 "height": 281, 73 "width": 500 74 }, 75 { 76 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_z.jpg", 77 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_z.jpg", 78 "height": 360, 79 "width": 640 80 }, 81 { 82 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_c.jpg", 83 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_c.jpg", 84 "height": 450, 85 "width": 800 86 }, 87 { 88 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_b.jpg", 89 "cdnUrl": "https://live.staticflickr.com/5150/5584094250_18d7f38812_b.jpg", 90 "height": 576, 91 "width": 1024 92 } 93 ], 94 "videos": [ 95 { 96 "quality": "appletv", 97 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/video/5584094250/18d7f38812/appletv.mp4?s=eyJpIjo1NTg0MDk0MjUwLCJlIjoxNjg1Mzg0MDM3LCJzIjoiNDY0Zjk5YWNmOGIzZjIxNjE5MjgyOTgxYTY5ZGRlNzEzMjc3NzBiZSIsInYiOjF9" 98 }, 99 { 100 "quality": 700, 101 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/video/5584094250/18d7f38812/700.mp4?s=eyJpIjo1NTg0MDk0MjUwLCJlIjoxNjg1Mzg0MDM3LCJzIjoiZDQ5MzcxYTRjNTYxYTU2ZWFkZDJiODdiMWM0MGMwOGQ5MDQ2NTg0ZiIsInYiOjF9" 102 }, 103 { 104 "quality": "iphone_wifi", 105 "url": "https://live.staticflickr.com/video/5584094250/18d7f38812/iphone_wifi.mp4?s=eyJpIjo1NTg0MDk0MjUwLCJlIjoxNjg1Mzg0MDM3LCJzIjoiODdjNDZjZGM3MDAxZTNhYzFmYWI5YjRiMjAyMTVhNDUwMjg0OTgxNSIsInYiOjF9" 106 } 107 ] 108}
Integrations and Flickr Scraper
Last but not least, Flickr Scraper can be connected with almost any cloud service or web app thanks to integrations on the Apify platform. You can integrate with Make, Zapier, Slack, Airbyte, GitHub, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and more. Or you can use webhooks to carry out an action whenever an event occurs, e.g. get a notification whenever Flickr Scraper successfully finishes a run.
Using Flickr Scraper with the Apify API
The Apify API gives you programmatic access to the Apify platform. The API is organized around RESTful HTTP endpoints that enable you to manage, schedule, and run Apify actors. The API also lets you access any datasets, monitor actor performance, fetch results, create and update versions, and more.
To access the API using Node.js, use the apify-client NPM package. To access the API using Python, use the apify-client PyPI package.
Check out the Apify API reference docs for full details or click on the API tab for code examples.