Tiktok Scraper (pay-per-video)
$4.00 / 1,000 videos

Tiktok Scraper (pay-per-video)
Get TikTok data fast! Track trending content, popular music videos, top users videos.
5.0 (1)
$4.00 / 1,000 videos
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Last modified
3 days ago
You can access the Tiktok Scraper (pay-per-video) programmatically from your own applications by using the Apify API. You can also choose the language preference from below. To use the Apify API, you’ll need an Apify account and your API token, found in Integrations settings in Apify Console.
2 "openapi": "3.0.1",
3 "info": {
4 "version": "0.0",
5 "x-build-id": "RnhrO5HEkAcNm7mCW"
6 },
7 "servers": [
8 {
9 "url": "https://api.apify.com/v2"
10 }
11 ],
12 "paths": {
13 "/acts/xtdata~tiktok-scraper/run-sync-get-dataset-items": {
14 "post": {
15 "operationId": "run-sync-get-dataset-items-xtdata-tiktok-scraper",
16 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
17 "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for its completion, and returns Actor's dataset items in response.",
18 "tags": [
19 "Run Actor"
20 ],
21 "requestBody": {
22 "required": true,
23 "content": {
24 "application/json": {
25 "schema": {
26 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 },
31 "parameters": [
32 {
33 "name": "token",
34 "in": "query",
35 "required": true,
36 "schema": {
37 "type": "string"
38 },
39 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
40 }
41 ],
42 "responses": {
43 "200": {
44 "description": "OK"
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 },
49 "/acts/xtdata~tiktok-scraper/runs": {
50 "post": {
51 "operationId": "runs-sync-xtdata-tiktok-scraper",
52 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
53 "summary": "Executes an Actor and returns information about the initiated run in response.",
54 "tags": [
55 "Run Actor"
56 ],
57 "requestBody": {
58 "required": true,
59 "content": {
60 "application/json": {
61 "schema": {
62 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
63 }
64 }
65 }
66 },
67 "parameters": [
68 {
69 "name": "token",
70 "in": "query",
71 "required": true,
72 "schema": {
73 "type": "string"
74 },
75 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
76 }
77 ],
78 "responses": {
79 "200": {
80 "description": "OK",
81 "content": {
82 "application/json": {
83 "schema": {
84 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/runsResponseSchema"
85 }
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 },
92 "/acts/xtdata~tiktok-scraper/run-sync": {
93 "post": {
94 "operationId": "run-sync-xtdata-tiktok-scraper",
95 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
96 "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for completion, and returns the OUTPUT from Key-value store in response.",
97 "tags": [
98 "Run Actor"
99 ],
100 "requestBody": {
101 "required": true,
102 "content": {
103 "application/json": {
104 "schema": {
105 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
106 }
107 }
108 }
109 },
110 "parameters": [
111 {
112 "name": "token",
113 "in": "query",
114 "required": true,
115 "schema": {
116 "type": "string"
117 },
118 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
119 }
120 ],
121 "responses": {
122 "200": {
123 "description": "OK"
124 }
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 },
129 "components": {
130 "schemas": {
131 "inputSchema": {
132 "type": "object",
133 "required": [
134 "type"
135 ],
136 "properties": {
137 "type": {
138 "title": "Choose Scrapping Type",
139 "enum": [
140 "SEARCH",
141 "TREND",
142 "HASHTAG",
143 "USER",
144 "MUSIC"
145 ],
146 "type": "string",
147 "description": "Scrapping Type: SEARCH, TREND, HASHTAG, USER, MUSIC",
148 "default": "SEARCH"
149 },
150 "region": {
151 "title": "Target country. For TREND, SEARCH",
152 "enum": [
153 "",
154 "GB",
155 "AF",
156 "AL",
157 "DZ",
158 "AS",
159 "AD",
160 "AO",
161 "AI",
162 "AQ",
163 "AG",
164 "AR",
165 "AM",
166 "AW",
167 "AU",
168 "AT",
169 "AZ",
170 "BS",
171 "BH",
172 "BD",
173 "BB",
174 "BY",
175 "BE",
176 "BZ",
177 "BJ",
178 "BM",
179 "BT",
180 "BO",
181 "BQ",
182 "BA",
183 "BW",
184 "BV",
185 "BR",
186 "IO",
187 "VG",
188 "BN",
189 "BG",
190 "BF",
191 "BI",
192 "KH",
193 "CM",
194 "CA",
195 "CV",
196 "KY",
197 "CF",
198 "TD",
199 "CL",
200 "CN",
201 "CX",
202 "CC",
203 "CO",
204 "KM",
205 "CK",
206 "CR",
207 "HR",
208 "CU",
209 "CW",
210 "CY",
211 "CZ",
212 "CD",
213 "DK",
214 "DJ",
215 "DM",
216 "DO",
217 "TL",
218 "EC",
219 "EG",
220 "SV",
221 "GQ",
222 "ER",
223 "EE",
224 "ET",
225 "FK",
226 "FO",
227 "FJ",
228 "FI",
229 "FR",
230 "GF",
231 "PF",
232 "TF",
233 "GA",
234 "GM",
235 "GE",
236 "DE",
237 "GH",
238 "GI",
239 "GR",
240 "GL",
241 "GD",
242 "GP",
243 "GU",
244 "GT",
245 "GG",
246 "GN",
247 "GW",
248 "GY",
249 "HT",
250 "HM",
251 "HN",
252 "HK",
253 "HU",
254 "IS",
255 "IN",
256 "ID",
257 "IR",
258 "IQ",
259 "IE",
260 "IM",
261 "IL",
262 "IT",
263 "CI",
264 "JM",
265 "JP",
266 "JE",
267 "JO",
268 "KZ",
269 "KE",
270 "KI",
271 "XK",
272 "KW",
273 "KG",
274 "LA",
275 "LV",
276 "LB",
277 "LS",
278 "LR",
279 "LY",
280 "LI",
281 "LT",
282 "LU",
283 "MO",
284 "MG",
285 "MW",
286 "MY",
287 "MV",
288 "ML",
289 "MT",
290 "MH",
291 "MQ",
292 "MR",
293 "MU",
294 "YT",
295 "MX",
296 "FM",
297 "MD",
298 "MC",
299 "MN",
300 "ME",
301 "MS",
302 "MA",
303 "MZ",
304 "MM",
305 "NA",
306 "NR",
307 "NP",
308 "NL",
309 "NC",
310 "NZ",
311 "NI",
312 "NE",
313 "NG",
314 "NU",
315 "NF",
316 "KP",
317 "MK",
318 "MP",
319 "NO",
320 "OM",
321 "PK",
322 "PW",
323 "PS",
324 "PA",
325 "PG",
326 "PY",
327 "PE",
328 "PH",
329 "PN",
330 "PL",
331 "PT",
332 "PR",
333 "QA",
334 "CG",
335 "RO",
336 "RU",
337 "RW",
338 "RE",
339 "BL",
340 "SH",
341 "KN",
342 "LC",
343 "MF",
344 "PM",
345 "VC",
346 "WS",
347 "SM",
348 "SA",
349 "SN",
350 "RS",
351 "SC",
352 "SL",
353 "SG",
354 "SX",
355 "SK",
356 "SI",
357 "SB",
358 "SO",
359 "ZA",
360 "GS",
361 "KR",
362 "SS",
363 "ES",
364 "LK",
365 "SD",
366 "SR",
367 "SJ",
368 "SZ",
369 "SE",
370 "CH",
371 "SY",
372 "ST",
373 "TW",
374 "TJ",
375 "TZ",
376 "TH",
377 "TG",
378 "TK",
379 "TO",
380 "TT",
381 "TN",
382 "TR",
383 "TM",
384 "TC",
385 "TV",
386 "UM",
387 "VI",
388 "UG",
389 "UA",
390 "AE",
391 "US",
392 "UY",
393 "UZ",
394 "VU",
395 "VA",
396 "VE",
397 "VN",
398 "WF",
399 "EH",
400 "YE",
401 "ZM",
402 "ZW",
403 "AX"
404 ],
405 "type": "string",
406 "description": "Please fill 2 characters region code. Ex: US",
407 "default": "GB"
408 },
409 "url": {
410 "title": "Start URL to scrape. For HASHTAG, USER, MUSIC",
411 "type": "string",
412 "description": "URL correspond to type. Use when Type is HASHTAG, USER, MUSIC",
413 "default": ""
414 },
415 "keywords": {
416 "title": "Keyword (can contain space). For SEARCH",
417 "type": "array",
418 "description": "Keyword (can contain space). For SEARCH",
419 "items": {
420 "type": "string"
421 }
422 },
423 "maxItems": {
424 "title": "Max Items",
425 "type": "integer",
426 "description": "Soft limit of result. If actual result size >= limit. The scraper will stop."
427 },
428 "isUnlimited": {
429 "title": "Is Unlimited",
430 "type": "boolean",
431 "description": "Get all if possible. This feature will slowdown your actor because it need to bypass TikTok's captcha",
432 "default": false
433 },
434 "sortType": {
435 "title": "Sort Type. Use when Type is SEARCH. 0: Relevance. 1: Most liked. 2: Most recent",
436 "minimum": 0,
437 "maximum": 2,
438 "type": "integer",
439 "description": "Sort Type. Use when Type is SEARCH. 0: Relevance. 1: Most liked. 2: Most recent"
440 },
441 "publishTime": {
442 "title": "Publish Time. Use when Type is SEARCH. ",
443 "enum": [
444 "ALL_TIME",
446 "WEEK",
447 "MONTH",
450 ],
451 "type": "string",
452 "description": "Sort Type. Use when Type is SEARCH."
453 }
454 }
455 },
456 "runsResponseSchema": {
457 "type": "object",
458 "properties": {
459 "data": {
460 "type": "object",
461 "properties": {
462 "id": {
463 "type": "string"
464 },
465 "actId": {
466 "type": "string"
467 },
468 "userId": {
469 "type": "string"
470 },
471 "startedAt": {
472 "type": "string",
473 "format": "date-time",
474 "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
475 },
476 "finishedAt": {
477 "type": "string",
478 "format": "date-time",
479 "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
480 },
481 "status": {
482 "type": "string",
483 "example": "READY"
484 },
485 "meta": {
486 "type": "object",
487 "properties": {
488 "origin": {
489 "type": "string",
490 "example": "API"
491 },
492 "userAgent": {
493 "type": "string"
494 }
495 }
496 },
497 "stats": {
498 "type": "object",
499 "properties": {
500 "inputBodyLen": {
501 "type": "integer",
502 "example": 2000
503 },
504 "rebootCount": {
505 "type": "integer",
506 "example": 0
507 },
508 "restartCount": {
509 "type": "integer",
510 "example": 0
511 },
512 "resurrectCount": {
513 "type": "integer",
514 "example": 0
515 },
516 "computeUnits": {
517 "type": "integer",
518 "example": 0
519 }
520 }
521 },
522 "options": {
523 "type": "object",
524 "properties": {
525 "build": {
526 "type": "string",
527 "example": "latest"
528 },
529 "timeoutSecs": {
530 "type": "integer",
531 "example": 300
532 },
533 "memoryMbytes": {
534 "type": "integer",
535 "example": 1024
536 },
537 "diskMbytes": {
538 "type": "integer",
539 "example": 2048
540 }
541 }
542 },
543 "buildId": {
544 "type": "string"
545 },
546 "defaultKeyValueStoreId": {
547 "type": "string"
548 },
549 "defaultDatasetId": {
550 "type": "string"
551 },
552 "defaultRequestQueueId": {
553 "type": "string"
554 },
555 "buildNumber": {
556 "type": "string",
557 "example": "1.0.0"
558 },
559 "containerUrl": {
560 "type": "string"
561 },
562 "usage": {
563 "type": "object",
564 "properties": {
566 "type": "integer",
567 "example": 0
568 },
570 "type": "integer",
571 "example": 0
572 },
574 "type": "integer",
575 "example": 0
576 },
578 "type": "integer",
579 "example": 0
580 },
582 "type": "integer",
583 "example": 1
584 },
586 "type": "integer",
587 "example": 0
588 },
590 "type": "integer",
591 "example": 0
592 },
594 "type": "integer",
595 "example": 0
596 },
598 "type": "integer",
599 "example": 0
600 },
602 "type": "integer",
603 "example": 0
604 },
606 "type": "integer",
607 "example": 0
608 },
609 "PROXY_SERPS": {
610 "type": "integer",
611 "example": 0
612 }
613 }
614 },
615 "usageTotalUsd": {
616 "type": "number",
617 "example": 0.00005
618 },
619 "usageUsd": {
620 "type": "object",
621 "properties": {
623 "type": "integer",
624 "example": 0
625 },
627 "type": "integer",
628 "example": 0
629 },
631 "type": "integer",
632 "example": 0
633 },
635 "type": "integer",
636 "example": 0
637 },
639 "type": "number",
640 "example": 0.00005
641 },
643 "type": "integer",
644 "example": 0
645 },
647 "type": "integer",
648 "example": 0
649 },
651 "type": "integer",
652 "example": 0
653 },
655 "type": "integer",
656 "example": 0
657 },
659 "type": "integer",
660 "example": 0
661 },
663 "type": "integer",
664 "example": 0
665 },
666 "PROXY_SERPS": {
667 "type": "integer",
668 "example": 0
669 }
670 }
671 }
672 }
673 }
674 }
675 }
676 }
677 }
Tiktok Scraper (pay-per-video) OpenAPI definition
OpenAPI is a standard for designing and describing RESTful APIs, allowing developers to define API structure, endpoints, and data formats in a machine-readable way. It simplifies API development, integration, and documentation.
OpenAPI is effective when used with AI agents and GPTs by standardizing how these systems interact with various APIs, for reliable integrations and efficient communication.
By defining machine-readable API specifications, OpenAPI allows AI models like GPTs to understand and use varied data sources, improving accuracy. This accelerates development, reduces errors, and provides context-aware responses, making OpenAPI a core component for AI applications.
You can download the OpenAPI definitions for Tiktok Scraper (pay-per-video) from the options below:
If you’d like to learn more about how OpenAPI powers GPTs, read our blog post.
You can also check out our other API clients:
Pricing model
Pay per resultThis Actor is paid per result. You are not charged for the Apify platform usage, but only a fixed price for each dataset of 1,000 items in the Actor outputs.
Price per 1,000 items