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Best Twitter Scraper

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Best Twitter Scraper

Best Twitter Scraper

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Twitter scraper that scrapes the latest Twitter content of any user. Since you need to be logged in to Twitter to crawl, you need to provide a Twitter account. Twitter 抓取器,可以抓取任意用户最新的Twitter内容。 因为需要先登录 Twitter 才能抓取,所以需要提供一个 Twitter 的账号。

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 49 Monthly users

  • 1.0 / 5 (1)


  • 92% runs succeeded

  • Created in Aug 2023

  • Modified a year ago


Twitter Scraper

Scrape any Twitter profile of any user. Extract tweets, replies, favorites, retweets, conversation threads and many more without any limit. Gather user related information such as verification, location, profile image, friends, followers, following and much more! No limits on Twitter!

The following content can be scraped:

If you need the source code, you can contact me by email



Getting started

因为需要先登录 Twitter 才能抓取,所以需要提供一个 Twitter 的账号

Since you need to be logged in to Twitter to crawl, you need to provide a Twitter account.

Output data


Output sample of one tweet:

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