FA Full Time League table scraper
14 days trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

FA Full Time League table scraper
14 days trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape data from a league table page on the FA Full Time website.
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>99% runs succeeded
Created in Nov 2024
Modified 4 months ago
Scrapes data from for a given league table on the FA Full Time website. Including team's name, position, points, wins, losses, draws and goal difference.
Provide the full URL for the page of the league table, it needs to be the page displayed when the 'League Table' tab is active on the page menu (not the league Overview page). For example: https://fulltime.thefa.com/table.html?league=314585552&selectedSeason=736475439&selectedDivision=239850554&selectedCompetition=0&selectedFixtureGroupKey=1_125510818%20#tab-2
Future development
This actor is very new if you have issues with scraping the data or have feature requests please raise an issue.