Facebook Scraper Pro (Rental) avatar

Facebook Scraper Pro (Rental)

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Facebook Scraper Pro (Rental)

Facebook Scraper Pro (Rental)

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2 hours trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Facebook Scraper Pro is a powerful Apify actor for extracting Facebook data. It includes: Search Scraper (finds posts by keyword), Profiles Scraper (scrapes profile info & posts), Posts Scraper (extracts posts by URL), and Comments Scraper (collects comments from posts). 🚀

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  • 2 monthly users

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  • 1 bookmark

  • Created in Mar 2025

  • Modified 8 hours ago

Facebook Scraper Pro

Facebook Scraper Pro is a powerful Apify actor designed to extract data from Facebook efficiently. It offers multiple scraping functions to gather data from Facebook searches, profiles, posts, and comments. Below is a detailed guide to help you understand and use this actor effectively.

Key Features

  1. Facebook Search Scraper: Searches for specific keywords on Facebook and returns relevant posts.
  2. Facebook Profiles Scraper: Extracts detailed information from Facebook profiles, including ID, name, friends count, likes count, location, gender, profile avatar, birthday, and profile posts.
  3. Facebook Posts Scraper: Scrapes data from specific Facebook posts, including text, likes, comments, shares, and media.
  4. Facebook Comments Scraper: Extracts comments from specific Facebook posts, including comment text, likes, replies, and author details.

Important Notes

  • Actor Function: Specifies the scraping function to use (facebook_search_scraper, facebook_profiles_scraper, facebook_posts_scraper, facebook_comments_scraper).
  • Rate Limiting: Use appropriate min_wait_time_in_sec and max_wait_time_in_sec to avoid blocking.
  • Data Limits: Use the results_limit parameter to control the amount of data scraped.

Input Schema

The input schema for the Facebook Scraper Pro actor is as follows:

2    // enum for "function" ["facebook_search_scraper", "facebook_profiles_scraper", "facebook_posts_scraper", "facebook_comments_scraper"]
3    "function": "facebook_search_scraper",
4    "filter_by_recent_posts": true, // used in facebook_search_scraper
5    "keyword": "BBC", // used in facebook_search_scraper
7    "results_limit": 5, // limit number of posts or comments returned
8    "min_wait_time_in_sec": 2, // minimum seconds to wait for each cursor.
9    "max_wait_time_in_sec": 6, // maximum seconds to wait for each cursor.
10    "cookies": [], // Optional Facebook user account cookies for improved scraping reliability and maintainability.
12    "profile_urls": [
13        // used in facebook_profiles_scraper
14        {
15            "url": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61568555420777",
16            "method": "GET"
17        }
18    ],
19    "post_urls": [
20        // used in facebook_posts_scraper
21        {
22            "url": "https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=918725866988227",
23            "method": "GET"
24        }
25    ],
26    "post_urls_for_comments": [
27        // used in facebook_comments_scraper
28        {
29            "url": "https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=918725866988227",
30            "method": "GET"
31        }
32    ],
33    "proxy": {
34        "useApifyProxy": false
35    }

Output Schema

Facebook Search Scraper, Facebook Profiles Scraper, Facebook Posts Scraper

2    // "author" only exists in Facebook Profile Scraper Responses
3    "author": {
4        "user_name": "Chief&Chill",
5        "user_id": "61568555420777",
6        "user_url": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61568555420777",
7        "avatar": "",
8        "followers_count": "37K",
9        "friends_count": null,
10        "likes_count": "750",
11        "following_count": null,
12        "location": null,
13        "gender": "UNKNOWN",
14        "birthday": null
15    },
16    "post_id": "122118274184618514",
17    "action_id": "ZmVlZGJhY2s6MTIyMTE4Mjc0MTg0NjE4NTE0",
18    "text": "No Man Sky !!\nCredits @qballgamingYT\n#gamingcommunity\n#gaming\n#besttime\n#funnymoments",
19    "create_time": 1737231816,
20    "post_url": "https://www.facebook.com/61568555420777/videos/8940928369328022/",
21    "like_count": 47,
22    "comment_count": 0,
23    "share_count": 2,
24    "view_count": 1964,
25    "play_count": 1964,
26    "image_list": [
27        "https://scontent.fcai20-4.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t15.5256-10/474137285_1138250114409447_198125051461864149_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=c3bc4c&_nc_ohc=hrAmxznlAVwQ7kNvgFHbljI&_nc_oc=Adg7yoZY4FAnE2PNwR2qxiuwdEuLN6mpnJWUgJe2UsoMXb4rt-oMcrn3UzAMIlvzz50&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fcai20-4.fna&_nc_gid=AQCDsHDr6F_IzXngoGGdnVG&oh=00_AYAuVuEf_19hOkBwUwCsRnLRsJXlr2MmDVQMLX3icRUKug&oe=67BEEF78"
28    ],
29    "video_list": [
30        "https://video.fcai20-5.fna.fbcdn.net/o1/v/t2/f2/m69/AQNjyKYvh1l1LWiT9PWkVkCmCb6TotkS_2R7X-4AlcLRCPdZf1w_FgekTYuiqnRDnOMIkczohTidJQQeDU6cfSKP.mp4?efg=eyJ4cHZfYXNzZXRfaWQiOjExNDg4NDI3OTM1NTY0MDgsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoieHB2X3Byb2dyZXNzaXZlLkZBQ0VCT09LLi5DMy40ODAuZGFzaF9oMjY0LWJhc2ljLWdlbjJfNzIwcCJ9&_nc_ht=video.fcai20-5.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=106&strext=1&vs=22a68dce03cf89&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYOnBhc3N0aHJvdWdoX2V2ZXJzdG9yZS9HTmswUUJ4MUZxRzBmVzBEQUhYS015NWs3QjVfYm1kakFBQUYVAALIAQAVAhg6cGFzc3Rocm91Z2hfZXZlcnN0b3JlL0dIQnlRUnl0SWFnQ3FYVURBTjNDaUF6Vk1SdzVickZxQUFBRhUCAsgBACgAGAAbAogHdXNlX29pbAExEnByb2dyZXNzaXZlX3JlY2lwZQExFQAAJvDm5um5t4oEFQIoAkMzLBdANPqfvnbItBgZZGFzaF9oMjY0LWJhc2ljLWdlbjJfNzIwcBEAdQIA&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AYDHmGL0p-IORq9qJ4SVNrZF7nlri9HjBW6ZE0ZJHkM7iA&oe=67BAEFF0&_nc_sid=1d576d"
31    ],
32    "video_cover_image": [
33        "https://scontent.fcai20-4.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t15.5256-10/474137285_1138250114409447_198125051461864149_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=cb5bf7&_nc_ohc=hrAmxznlAVwQ7kNvgFHbljI&_nc_oc=Adg7yoZY4FAnE2PNwR2qxiuwdEuLN6mpnJWUgJe2UsoMXb4rt-oMcrn3UzAMIlvzz50&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fcai20-4.fna&_nc_gid=AQCDsHDr6F_IzXngoGGdnVG&oh=00_AYAuVuEf_19hOkBwUwCsRnLRsJXlr2MmDVQMLX3icRUKug&oe=67BEEF78"
34    ],
35    "durationInSec": [21],
36    "type": "video",
37    "author_username": "Chief&Chill",
38    "author_user_id": "61568555420777",
39    "author_profile_url": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61568555420777",
40    "author_avatar": ""

Facebook Comments Scraper

2    "action_id": "ZmVlZGJhY2s6OTAyOTM5NjE2MzgxODE1N185MDI5NDA2MTUzODE3MTU4",
3    "comment_id": "9029406153817158",
4    "gender": "FEMALE",
5    "author_user_id": "100009355176494",
6    "author_username": "Lillian Mamdouh",
7    "author_profile_url": "https://www.facebook.com/lillian.mamdouh.7",
8    "author_avatar": "",
9    "text": "Up",
10    "like_count": 0,
11    "reply_count": 0,
12    "create_time": 1738101623,
13    "image_list": [],
14    "video_list": [],
15    "video_cover_image": [],
16    "post": {
17        "post_id": "9029396163818157",
18        "post_url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/5958702877554183/posts/9029396163818157/",
19        "author_user_id": "pfbid036cJegrwq7rXF3Le6BCGDZd8nwuGw31mwx2smn8go2sbjRe23PocViB4H7DW4VgQ6l",
20        "author_username": "Perihan Sameh",
21        "author_profile_url": null,
22        "author_avatar": ""
23    },
24    "input": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/5958702877554183/posts/9029396163818157/"