$9.00/month + usage

Scraping Doctolib is now super easy and cheap! Extract phones, names, contact, timings, image and addresses of medics, doctors, hospitals... Best part : you can even customize what info to extract from Doctolib!
1.0 (1)
$9.00/month + usage
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Last modified
4 months ago
You can access the Doctolib programmatically from your own applications by using the Apify API. You can also choose the language preference from below. To use the Apify API, you’ll need an Apify account and your API token, found in Integrations settings in Apify Console.
1echo '{
2 "startUrls": [
3 {
4 "url": "https://www.doctolib.fr/infectiologue/75001-paris"
5 }
6 ],
7 "pageFunction": "async function pageFunction(context) {\\n\\n let data = {}\\n let userData = context.request.userData\\n data.url = context.request.url\\n data.label = userData.label\\n \\n if(userData && userData.label === '\''doctor'\''){ \\n data.nom = await context.page.locator('\''#main-content h1'\'').innerText({timeout:6000})\\n data.tarif = await context.innerTextwrapper(context,'\''#payment_means'\'')\\n data.horaire_contact = await context.innerTextwrapper(context,'\''#openings_and_contact'\'')\\n data.description = await context.innerTextwrapper(context,'\''.dl-profile-bio'\'')\\n data.specialite = await context.innerTextwrapper(context,'\''.dl-profile-header-speciality'\'')\\n data.expertise = await context.innerTextwrapper(context,'\''#skills'\'')\\n try{\\n data.phones = await context.getPhones(data.horaire_contact)\\n }catch(e){\\n context.log.info('\''Phones not found'\'',e); \\n }\\n try{\\n data.image = await context.page.locator('\''.dl-profile img'\'').first().getAttribute('\''src'\'',{timeout:2000})\\n if(data.image.startsWith('\''/'\'')){ data.image = '\''https:'\'' + data.image}\\n }catch(e){\\n context.log.info('\''Image not found'\'',e); \\n } \\n \\n }else{\\n context.log.info('\''we are not on a doctor page: so a search or pagination page.'\'');\\n userData.label = '\''doctor'\'';\\n const elements = context.page.locator('\''.search-result-card a[href]'\'');\\n const links = await elements.evaluateAll(elems => elems.map(elem => elem.getAttribute('\''href'\'')));\\n let extenstion = '\''fr'\''\\n if(context.request.url.includes('\''doctolib.de'\'')){ extenstion = '\''de'\'' }\\n if(context.request.url.includes('\''doctolib.it'\'')){ extenstion = '\''it'\'' }\\n links.forEach(async link => {\\n if(link.startsWith('\''/'\'')){ link = `https://www.doctolib.${extenstion}${link}` }\\n await context.enqueueRequest(link, userData , true);\\n })\\n\\n }\\n context.log.info(`ending this page now`);\\n delete data.label\\n return data;\\n}\\n"
8}' |
9apify call anchor/doctolib --silent --output-dataset
Doctolib scraper API through CLI
The Apify CLI is the official tool that allows you to use Doctolib locally, providing convenience functions and automatic retries on errors.
Install the Apify CLI
1npm i -g apify-cli
2apify login
Other API clients include:
Pricing model
RentalTo use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.
Free trial
3 days