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🏯 Youtube Scraper (Pay Per Result)

🏯 Youtube Scraper (Pay Per Result)

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Pay $0.50 for 1,000 videos

Experience unparalleled efficiency and depth with its ultra-fast capabilities in searching, URL, playlist, channel, and profile scraping. It comes equipped with a variety of filters to customize your data collection precisely. Plus, it's incredibly affordable at only $0.50 per 1000 videos!


Issue and question regarding the publishDate field

resolute_waterfall opened this issue
4 months ago

@API Dojo hello I have three questions about the YoutubeScraper on APIfy as a paying customer

  1. What timezone is the "publishDate" field in? the one that is returned as a Youtube video response.

  2. What is the difference between "uploadDate" and "publishDate"

  3. I want to make sure im getting the timezones right for publishDate, is it fair to always assume its the same timezone, or can it vary based on the set of scraping machines.

apidojo avatar

API Dojo (apidojo)

4 months ago


1- This data is coming directly from Youtube so we don't actually know the timezone. It can be UTC but you need to double check

2- uploadDate and publishDate speak for themselves. One is the upload and the other one is the publish date.




4 months ago

Please don't close this issue without checking with me first.

I'd like a way to ensure that the timezone is stable. As the API provider can you double check and provide documentation?

What is likely happening is the timezone is based on the server you are using to scrape so i'd recommend having a system that checks which server is on which timezone and adding that info to your response.

apidojo avatar

API Dojo (apidojo)

4 months ago


It shouldn't be connected to our servers, we are returning you the raw data we get from Youtube. Since our actor is not an API (it is a scraper), unfortunately we don't have any documentation related to the data we get.

Did you have any issues with the timezones? Can you please send us a few example run IDs that you are getting wrong times so our team can check what is going on with them?




4 months ago

I am getting valid timestamps, I just want clarification on which timezone it's from. You are scraping youtube, but for example if your scraper is coming from a certain timezone, the date that is being returned is probably from that same timezone. that's a way to figure out which timezone we are getting.

apidojo avatar

API Dojo (apidojo)

4 months ago


It is UTC




4 months ago

Thank you for confirming, closing now.

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  • 99% runs succeeded

  • 4.6 hours response time

  • Created in Dec 2023

  • Modified 7 hours ago