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Legacy PhantomJS Crawler

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Legacy PhantomJS Crawler

Legacy PhantomJS Crawler

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Replacement for the legacy Apify Crawler product with a backward-compatible interface. The actor uses PhantomJS headless browser to recursively crawl websites and extract data from them using a piece of front-end JavaScript code.

nknmcm avatar

Actor alphabetizes columns of report, can I get the columns in original order?

RPM Select (nknmcm) opened this issue
6 months ago

When this actor crawls my web report, it sorts the columns A to Z before populating the data on my Google Sheet. Is it possible to deactivate this feature so that my report that gets populated in the Google Sheet has the columns in the original order?

nknmcm avatar

Sorry, this may be the wrong actor for this question, I'm not sure how all of this works.

paja avatar

Hi, thanks for your patience, we'll discuss it within the team and let you know.

lukaskrivka avatar

We already discussed this in the Google Sheets Actor

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 92 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Mar 2019

  • Modified 8 months ago