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Bloomberg Scraper

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Bloomberg Scraper

Bloomberg Scraper


Scrape publicly available data from for securities and companies, using either their URLs or Bloomberg tickers, to extract financial details, market prices, company information, stock metrics, market activity, and much more.

Maintained by Community


  • Bloomberg Data: Query publicly available market data from
  • Retrieve Market Data: Gain access to concise financial market data for various securities.
  • Fetch General Data: Directly obtain comprehensive general data for companies and securities.
  • Efficient and Precise: Optimized for diverse data retrieval using either URLs or Bloomberg tickers.

What data can be extracted?

Security Infoname, type, id, longName, shortName, securityName
Market Pricesprice, openPrice, prevClose, lowPrice, highPrice, lastPostSessionPrice, percentChange1Day, priceChange1Day
Trading Detailsvolume, dayRange, primaryExchange, marketStatus, issuedCurrency, previousClosingPriceOneTradingDayAgo
Company & Security Infoid, name, shortName, longName, type, companyDescription, companyIsPrivate, companyAddress, companyPhone, companyWebsite, mediaSecurityType, mediaSecuritySubtype, primaryExchange, parentTicker, ultimateParentTicker
Financial DetailsmarketCap, price, highPrice, lowPrice, openPrice, previousClosingPriceOneTradingDayAgo, priceChange1Day, percentChange1Day, averageVolume30Day, volume, earningsPerShare, priceEarningsRatio, priceToBookRatio, priceToSalesRatio, dividend, lastDividendReported, indicatedGrossDividendYield
Fund & Management DetailsfundType, fundManager, coFundManager, currentManagementFee, expenseRatio, fundMarketingFee, fundObjective, fundAssetClassFocus, fundGeographicFocus
Fundamental & Index DatafundamentalDataCurrency, averageDaysToMaturity, inceptionDate, indexDescription, indexSource, isOpen, netAssetValue, netAssetValueDate, percentPremium, percentPremium52WeekAverage, redemptionFee, score, totalAssets, totalAssetsDate, totalAssetsCurrency
Operational DatanumberOfEmployees, foundedYear, bbid, gicsIndustry, gicsSector, bicsIndustry, bicsSector, bicsSubIndustry
Market ActivityhighPrice52Week, lowPrice52Week, marketStatus, totalReturn1Year, totalReturnYtd, lastUpdate, tradingDayClose
Earnings & AnnouncementsearningsAnnouncement, nextEarningsAnnouncement, nextEarningsPeriod, nextEarningsPeriodEnd, lastAnnouncementPeriod, periodicity, issuedCurrency
Stock MetricssharesOutstanding, priceMinDecimals, priceEarningsToGrowthAndDividendYieldRatio, shareClass, securityName

Depending on your data requirements, choose either the market or general data type. See example outputs here.

What is the input?

scrapeInputarrayList of either URLs or Bloomberg tickers used to scrape data["AAPL:US", ""]
dataTypestringSpecifies the type of data to retrievemarket or general
dropNullsbooleanDetermines whether to exclude null values from outputfalse or true

Be aware that a specific format for Bloomberg tickers is required. See the supported format in the following section.

Bloomberg Ticker Input

  • Supported Formats: [Stock T.]:[Exchange/Composite T.] AND [Stock T.] [Exchange/Composite T.] ["Equity"/""]
  • Examples: AAPL:US, NFLX US, IBM US Equity

Input Example

2    "scrapeInput": [
3        "AAPL:US",
4        "NFLX US",
5        "IBM US Equity",
6        ""
7    ],
8    "dataType": "market",
9    "dropNulls": false

Output Example

Data Type: Market

2  "AAPL:US": [
3    {
4      "securityInfo": {
5        "name": "APPLE INC",
6        "type": "EQT",
7        "id": "AAPL:US",
8        "longName": "Apple Inc",
9        "shortName": "APPLE INC"
10      },
11      "marketPrices": {
12        "price": "164.76",
13        "openPrice": "166.21",
14        "prevClose": "167.04",
15        "lowPrice": 164.075,
16        "highPrice": 166.4,
17        "lastPostSessionPrice": 166.8,
18        "percentChange1Day": -1.36489999294281,
19        "priceChange1Day": -2.28
20      },
21      "tradingDetails": {
22        "volume": "43,190,086.00",
23        "dayRange": [
24          "164.08",
25          "166.40"
26        ],
27        "primaryExchange": "NASDAQ GS",
28        "marketStatus": "ACTV",
29        "issuedCurrency": "USD",
30        "previousClosingPriceOneTradingDayAgo": 167.04
31      }
32    }
33  ]

Data Type: General

2  "AAPL:US": [
3    {
4      "companyAndSecurityInfo": {
5        "id": "AAPL:US",
6        "name": "APPLE INC",
7        "shortName": "APPLE INC",
8        "longName": "Apple Inc",
9        "type": "EQT",
10        "companyDescription": "Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets smartphones, personal computers, tablets, wearables and accessories, and sells a variety of related accessories. The Company also offers payment, digital content, cloud and advertising services. Apple Inc.'s customers are primarily in consumer, small & mid-sized business, education, enterprise and government markets worldwide.",
11        "companyIsPrivate": false,
12        "companyAddress": "1 Apple Park Way\nCupertino, CA 95014\nUnited States",
13        "companyPhone": "1-408-996-1010",
14        "companyWebsite": "",
15        "mediaSecurityType": "Company",
16        "mediaSecuritySubtype": "Public",
17        "primaryExchange": "NASDAQ GS",
18        "parentTicker": "AAPL US",
19        "ultimateParentTicker": "AAPL US"
20      },
21      "financialDetails": {
22        "marketCap": 2579411802240,
23        "price": 164.91,
24        "highPrice": 166.4,
25        "lowPrice": 164.075,
26        "openPrice": 166.21,
27        "previousClosingPriceOneTradingDayAgo": 167.04,
28        "priceChange1Day": -2.13,
29        "percentChange1Day": -1.2750999927520752,
30        "averageVolume30Day": 63900792,
31        "volume": 42802750,
32        "earningsPerShare": 6.42,
33        "priceEarningsRatio": 26.018690543011342,
34        "priceToBookRatio": 34.42872724573318,
35        "priceToSalesRatio": 6.69028351526801,
36        "dividend": 0.575505052780006,
37        "lastDividendReported": "0.24",
38        "indicatedGrossDividendYield": 0.575505052780006
39      },
40      "fundAndManagementDetails": {},
41      "fundamentalAndIndexData": {
42        "fundamentalDataCurrency": "USD",
43        "isOpen": true
44      },
45      "operationalData": {
46        "numberOfEmployees": 100000,
47        "foundedYear": "01/03/1977",
48        "bbid": "101695",
49        "gicsIndustry": 4520,
50        "gicsSector": 45,
51        "bicsIndustry": "Tech Hardware & Semiconductors",
52        "bicsSector": "Technology",
53        "bicsSubIndustry": "Technology Hardware"
54      },
55      "marketActivity": {
56        "highPrice52Week": 199.62,
57        "lowPrice52Week": 162.8,
58        "marketStatus": "ACTV",
59        "totalReturn1Year": -1.037312,
60        "totalReturnYtd": -14.15504,
61        "lastUpdate": "2024-04-19T18:50:00.000Z",
62        "tradingDayClose": "2024-04-19T20:30:00.000Z"
63      },
64      "earningsAndAnnouncements": {
65        "earningsAnnouncement": "2024-02-09",
66        "nextEarningsAnnouncement": "2024-05-02",
67        "nextEarningsPeriod": "Q2",
68        "nextEarningsPeriodEnd": "2024-04-01",
69        "lastAnnouncementPeriod": "2024:C1",
70        "periodicity": "Quarter",
71        "issuedCurrency": "USD"
72      },
73      "stockMetrics": {
74        "sharesOutstanding": 15441880000,
75        "priceMinDecimals": 2,
76        "priceEarningsToGrowthAndDividendYieldRatio": 2.2477369604501725
77      }
78    }
79  ]

Cost of Usage

The Bloomberg Scraper incurs a charge of $2.00 for every 1,000 results obtained.
Each result counts as either market or general data scraped for a single input (URL or Bloomberg ticker).

Bloomberg Scraper API

The Apify API offers programmatic access to the capabilities of the Apify platform, specifically this Apify Actor.
It is designed with RESTful HTTP endpoints, enabling the management, scheduling, and operation of Apify Actors effectively.
For detailed guidance and additional functionalities, consult the Apify API reference documentation.

For implementation, you can view the example code for using the Bloomberg Scraper API here.

Track Progress

While the Actor is running, it will display updates about its progress.
Should there be any issues, the Actor will halt and enter a failure state, providing a clear explanation of the error encountered.

Compute Efficiency

The Actor is designed for high-speed performance, efficiently retrieving a large volume of data.