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Sreality scraper

Try Actor


Fast and efficient actor. The script get all offers (according to the selected input). Needed only 256-512 MB RAM.


crawling timouted after aprox. 10,000 ads


VincarioCrawler opened this issue
6 months ago


I am having issues successfully scraping all advertisements. Here are my settings. Is there something set up incorrectly, or is it possible to crawl everything at once? I tried Lands, Houses, Sell/Lease separately.

{ "APARTMENTS": false, "AREA": [ "Jihočeský", "Plzeňský", "Karlovarský", "Ústecký", "Liberecký", "Královéhradecký", "Pardubický", "Olomoucký", "Zlínský", "Praha", "Středočeský", "Moravskoslezský", "Vysočina", "Jihomoravský" ], "DATASET_NAME": "Lands-Sell", "DROP_DATASET": false, "HOUSES": false, "LANDS": true, "LANGUAGE_CZ": true, "SAVE_ALL_TEXTS": true, "SELLING": true }

bebich avatar

ALi (bebich)

6 months ago

Hi, right now I'm investigating why it's timeout. Not sure what changed on apify side. Script scraping fast but has issues with saving data to apify backend.



6 months ago

Can you do something about that?

bebich avatar

ALi (bebich)

6 months ago

Let's try it now. I've removed apify output json and it now it's fast again. Not sure what changed on apify side but there was something



5 months ago

Actors has timeouted again. Could you please double check on your end again?

bebich avatar

ALi (bebich)

5 months ago

So I tried run it and it depends on "SAVE_ALL_TEXTS".

If it's FALSE it takes < 15 min,

{ "Hash_id": 2052694604, "Datum": "2024-08-07", "Kraj": "Jihomoravský", "Kategorie": "Pozemky", "Typ": "Prodej", "Dispozice": "Ostatní", "Titulek": "Prodej pozemku 546 m²", "Cena": 80000, "m2": 546, "Cena_m2": 147, "Lokalita": "Silůvky, okres Brno-venkov", "GPS_lat": 49.108608, "GPS_lon": 16.46833, "Exklusivni_rk": false, "URL_AD": "í/siluvky--/2052694604", "Company_id": null, "Company_name": null, "Company_url": null, "Rus": false },

If TRUE than it's ~5 hours.

{ "Hash_id": 2052694604, "Datum": "2024-08-07", "Kraj": "Jihomoravský", "Kategorie": "Pozemky", "Typ": "Prodej", "Dispozice": "Ostatní", "Titulek": "Prodej pozemku 546 m²", "Cena": 60000, "m2": 546, "Cena_m2": 110, "Lokalita": "Silůvky, okres Brno-venkov", "GPS_lat": 49.10107442822632, "GPS_lon": 16.475863571773676, "Exklusivni_rk": false, "URL_AD": "í/siluvky--/2052694604", "Company_id": null, "Company_name": null, "Company_url": null, "Rus": false, "Text": " V okolí obce Silůvky nabízíme k prodeji čtyři pozemky o celkové rozloze 546 m2. Silůvky jsou obec v okrese Brno-venkov v Jihomoravském kraji. Rozkládají se v Bobravské vrchovině, na okraji přírodního parku B... [trimmed]

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  • 3 monthly users

  • 4 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in May 2023

  • Modified a month ago
