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Sreality scraper

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Sreality scraper

Sreality scraper

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Fast and efficient actor. The script get all offers (according to the selected input). Needed only 256-512 MB RAM.

Scrape area(s)


Enter areas what to scrape: Jihočeský, Plzeňský, Karlovarský, Ústecký, Liberecký, Královéhradecký, Pardubický, Olomoucký, Zlínský, Praha, Středočeský, Moravskoslezský, Vysočina,Jihomoravský

Scrape city(s)


Enter city name: České Budějovice, Brno, Plzeň, Praha 1, Praha 2, Praha 10

Apartments. Choose only one!


If checked then actors scrape apartments. Because different number of columns choose only one!

Default value of this property is false

Houses. Choose only one!


If checked then actors scrape houses. Because different number of columns choose only one!

Default value of this property is false

Lands. Choose only one!


If checked then actors scrape lands. Because different number of columns choose only one!

Default value of this property is true

Lease / Sell


If checked then selling otherwise renting

Default value of this property is true

Set dataset name


All data will be saved to specific name. Only [A-Z] [a-z] [0-9] [-]

Dataset in CZ language


Language? True = CZ, False = EN

Default value of this property is false

Drop dataset


Drop dataset name before start of scraper. Works only if name in DATASET_NAME

Default value of this property is false

Save all texts from ADs


Experimental - it will save all texts from houses/apartments. It take much more time

Default value of this property is false

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 monthly users

  • 0 No bookmarks yet

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in May 2023

  • Modified 3 months ago
