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Sreality statistics

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Sreality statistics

Sreality statistics

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2 hours trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

Super fast and very efficient statistics actor. Get all offers for city or location and it will calculates values such as average price, average price per m2, median price and median price per m2. Only for Czech Republic.

Sreality statistics screaper

This actor scrape ads from The script get all offers (according to the selected input) and calculates values such as average price, average price per m2, median price and median price per m2 for apartments. For a house, only the average price per m2 is not calculated. Of course, it also lists the minimum and maximum price for type and the number of listings for the type and for the total group.

It's super fast a very efficient, needed only 128MB Memory.


v0.1 / variance-deviation - Added: Scraper now returns Standard Deviation and Variance. v0.2 / skewness-kurtosis - Added: Scraper now returns Skewness and Kurtosis v0.3 / latest - Added scraping Lands


Scraper pro server sreality. Script prochazi vsechny nabidky (podle zvoleneho vstupu/inputu) a vypocitava hodnoty jako prumerna cena, prumerna cena za m2, median ceny a median ceny za m2 pro byty. U domu se akorat nepocita prumerna cena za m2. Samozrejme take vypisuje minimalni a maximalni cena a pocet inzeratu v pro dany typ a pro celkovou skupinu.


v0.1 / variance-deviation - Pridano: Scraper nove vraci Rozptyl a Směrodatnou odchylku v0.2 / skewness-kurtosis - Added: Scraper nove vraci Šikmost and Špičatost v0.3 / latest - Pridana moznost stahovani pozemku

Cost of usage

Memory 128MB Apartments for Prague 1-10 = ~5800 offers : 4 min and $0.003


Choose what you want to scrape City or location(s) or both. Only input where you have to choose is if you want ads for sale or lease.

  • AREA - Locality choice. ["Jihočeský", "Plzeňský", "Karlovarský", "Ústecký", "Liberecký", "Královéhradecký", "Pardubický", "Olomoucký", "Zlínský", "Praha", "Středočeský", "Moravskoslezský", "Vysočina", "Jihomoravský"]
  • CITY - City of choice if you need specific locality. On web page select apartments/houses, select Locality and than you'll see all possible cities. ["České Budějovice", "Plzeň", "Praha 1", "Praha 2", "Praha 8", "Praha 10", "Brno", "Ostrava"]
  • APARTMENTS - Scrape apartments. true / false
  • HOUSES - Scrape houses. true / false
  • LANDS - Scrape lands. true / false
  • SELLING - Get statistics for Sale OR Lease. true / false
  • LANGUAGE_CZ - Get output in language cz or en. Category:" Byty/Apartments. true / false
  • DATASET_NAME - Export the entirety of the dataset to a single file in a named key-value store. Only a-z A-Z 0-9 -. Like "sreality-Houses"

Example input

2  "CITY": ["Praha 1", "Praha 2","Praha 3","Praha 4","Praha 5","Praha 6","Praha 7","Praha 8","Praha 9","Praha 10"],
3  "APARTMENTS": true,
4  "HOUSES": true,
5  "LANDS": true,
6  "SELLING": true,
7  "LANGUAGE_CZ": true,


Actor create statistics for all types:

  • Apartments - "1+kt","1+1","2+kt","2+1","3+kt","3+1","4+kt","4+1","5+kt","5+1","6 and more","Unusual"
  • Houses - "1 room","2 rooms","3 rooms","4 rooms","5 and more rooms","Unusual"
    • Lands - "Housings", "Meadows", "Orchard/vineyard", "Commercial", "Forests", "Garden", "Fields", "Ponds", "Others"

Example updates:

v1.3 - Example outup for Lands - Housings

1"Date": "2023-05-18",
2	"Area": "Jihočeský",
3	"Category": "Lands",
4	"Counts_All": 1632,
5	"Type": "Sale",
6	"Sub_Type": "Housings",
7	"Count": 581,
8	"min_price": 8615,
9	"max_price": 49823700,
10	"average_price": 4335874,
11	"median_price": 2918000,
12	"average_price_m2": 1463,
13	"median_m2": 1300,
14	"average_m2": 2964,
15	"standardDeviation": 4824283,
16	"variance": 23273708235068,
17	"skewness": 4.299,
18	"kurtosis": 29.37

v1.2 - Example output for House 1 room:

1"Date": "2023-04-20",
2	"Area": "Jihočeský",
3	"Counts_All": 1290,
4	"Category": "Houses",
5	"Type": "Sale",
6	"Sub_Type": "1 room",
7	"Count": 40,
8	"min_price": 450000,
9	"max_price": 25980000,
10	"average_house_m2": 129,
11	"average_land_m2": 739,
12	"average_price": 4394502,
13	"median_price": 2249000,
14	"median_land": 373,
15	"standardDeviation": 5589732,
16	"variance": 31245101639048,
17	"skewness": 2.657,
18	"kurtosis": 9.67

v1.1 - Example output for Apartment 1+1:

1"Date": "2023-03-31",
2	"Area": "Praha",
3	"Category": "Apartments",
4	"Counts_All": 5761,
5	"Type": "Sale",
6	"Sub_Type": "1+1",
7	"Count": 148,
8	"min_price": 2990000,
9	"max_price": 9435600,
10	"average_price": 5056394,
11	"median_price": 4899000,
12	"average_price_m2": 123327,
13	"median_m2": 41,
14	"average_m2": 41,
15	"standardDeviation": 1147561,
16	"variance": 1316895792284

Example output for Apartment 1kt/1+kk (cz):

1"Date": "2023-02-28",
2	"Area": "Praha",
3	"Category": "Byty",
4	"Counts_All": 5837,
5	"Type": "Prodej",
6	"Sub_Type": "1+kk",
7	"Count": 858,
8	"min_price": 1600000,
9	"max_price": 55000000,
10	"average_price": 5087654,
11	"median_price": 4978000,
12	"average_price_m2": 149637,
13	"median_m2": 32,
14	"average_m2": 34

Example for Houses 1 room/jednopokojové (en):

1"Date": "2023-02-28",
2	"Area": "Jihočeský",
3	"Counts_All": 1239,
4	"Category": "Houses",
5	"Type": "Sale",
6	"Sub_Type": "1 room",
7	"Count": 32,
8	"min_price": 570000,
9	"max_price": 25980000,
10	"average_house_m2": 135,
11	"average_land_m2": 718,
12	"average_price": 3469071,
13	"median_price": 2374500,
14	"median_land": 403
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 1 monthly user


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2023

  • Modified 4 months ago
