Sreality scraper
Sreality scraper
Fast and efficient actor. The script get all offers (according to the selected input). Needed only 256-512 MB RAM.
aster 5-10 atemts to get any result didnt get any, tried to get just "kraj"
Ahoj, mám stejný problém. Testoval jsem sreality scraper na statistiky a funguje. Ten na inzeráty však nevrací vůbec žádné výsledky.
Hello, sorry for the late reply. I've updated scraper. Now it's checking inputs. Everything works ok but your input is not correct.
I looked at your input:
"CITY": [ "Choceň, vysoké mýto, kosořín, zálší" ], "CITY" - Not correct input it should be: ["Choceň", "vysoké mýto", "kosořín", "zálší"] but... Not all cities can be inserted, only those suggested by sreality. Supported cities can be found if you select a location on the site, and the supported cities will appear below it.
"DATASET_NAME": "test Pardubický", Not correct input. Allowed only: [A-Z][a-z][0-9][-]. So it can be like: "test-Pardubicky"
deep_apple - Pardon, ale bez inputu, ktery vkladate, nejsem schopen pomoci. Vetsinou je problem v poli/array nebo v "Set dataset name" / "DATASET_NAME", kde musi byt pouze pismena nebo cislice a nesmi obsahovat mezery nebo specialni znaky.
Actor Metrics
3 monthly users
4 stars
>99% runs succeeded
Created in May 2023
Modified a month ago