🔥 Linkedin Companies & Profiles Bulk Scraper
2 days trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now
🔥 Linkedin Companies & Profiles Bulk Scraper
2 days trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now
Companies & Profiles Linkedin scraper. Get comprehensive profiles of individuals and companies based on your keywords and filters. Unleash the power of data! 🌐🔍
🎯 Action
Select an action to perform
Value options:
"get-profiles": string"get-companies": string
Default value of this property is "get-profiles"
🔍 Query or list of queries (keywords, names..)
It can be a single query or a list of names, companies or URLS... ⚠️ For performance reason we limit to 500 keywords, over will be ignored ⚠️ Please contact us if you need more usage
Default value of this property is ["web dev"]
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Set if querying per URL (eg: "https://linkedin.com/in/john-doe/") (don't set if querying per keyword or name (eg: "web developer")) ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Must be set to true if querying per URL ("https://linkedin.com/in/john-doe/") or false if querying per keyword or name (web developer)
Default value of this property is false
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Set if querying per name (eg: "John Doe") (don't set if querying per keyword or URL (eg: "web developer" "https://linkedin.com/in/john-doe/")) ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Must be set to true if querying per name (John Doe) or false if querying per keyword (web developer)
Default value of this property is false
Actor Metrics
615 monthly users
110 stars
>99% runs succeeded
25 days response time
Created in Jul 2023
Modified 2 months ago