Telegram Channel Member Adder
1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Telegram Channel Member Adder
1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now
Telegram channel Member Adder - Scrap Telegram Groups/Channel- Scrap hidden member from chat history and member list and then add member into target group
Actor Metrics
358 monthly users
2.0 / 5 (7)
>99% runs succeeded
7.8 days response time
Created in Mar 2024
Modified 16 days ago
after first run
2024-12-04T08:23:02.841Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build E1YEB0tK6RnqyDWaY from repository. 2024-12-04T08:23:05.418Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2024-12-04T08:23:05.466Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2024-12-04T08:23:07.002Z INFO Initializing actor... 2024-12-04T08:23:07.005Z INFO System info ({"apify_sdk_version": "1.6.0", "apify_client_version": "1.6.4", "python_version": "3.11.10", "os": "linux"}) 2024-12-04T08:23:07.007Z INFO Hello from the Actor! 2024-12-04T08:23:07.193Z INFO Exiting actor ({"exit_code": 0})
You need to login to telegram account using scan QR code on Log tab.. please check product information page..process given.
I have done that first time I started and after a five transfers I was getting telegram flood notification. I was waiting for some time and restrated Actor and now I am getting that log.
You need to add auth token in input and then start.. first time when you do scan , you will get auth token..in next run you can use auth token and start process...as per log, it does not start process properly..try again
Let me explain clearly. I started the Actor for the first time, did everything that was necessary—scanned the QR code and logged in the Actor (entered the Telegram Auth Token). After that, I completed 10 transfers, and then I got a flood notification. I waited a few hours and then wanted to continue from where I left off. It wouldn’t make sense for it to start from the beginning and add the same people again. Now, I’ve deleted everything and created the Actor again to see if the same issue happens. All I want is for it to continue working from where it left off.
In first run you recieve telegram auth token, you need to copy this..in next run you need to paste this auth token on input box name Telegram auth token and then start again with source and destination groupname