Telegram Channel Member Adder
1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Telegram Channel Member Adder
1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now
Telegram channel Member Adder - Scrap Telegram Groups/Channel- Scrap hidden member from chat history and member list and then add member into target group
Actor Metrics
358 monthly users
2.0 / 5 (7)
>99% runs succeeded
7.8 days response time
Created in Mar 2024
Modified 16 days ago
Starts and Stops
Added 20 users then stopped, and now it starts and stops, doesnt add the 1000 people in the group. It only lasted like 15-20 mins. Whats the issue? Is there a limit?
In one auth token as per telegram rule you can add max 40 user it your telegram in good old.
You need to add multiple auth token from multiple telegram account then it can do multiple member group adding from all accounts one by one.
40 users a day? from 1 auth token? How do i get more auth tokens from my 1 telegram account?
yes max 40 (it can be less depend on your telegram age status) and you need to get multiple telegram account for get multiple auth token.. one telegram only support one auth token.
40 max in what timeframe. Per day?
Yes per day.
OK, with your windows version is the limit still there? and whats the main difference using on apify vs windows?
Apify version have monthly charge and also apify can charge you as per your membership plan.. we just charge our developer rent monthly:20$
But window version you can run on your pc . And our software license support 6 month.. and using telegram login using api key and api hash. Multiple telegram account support and also telegram member adder and telegram message sender functionality support from multiple accounts.
I mean, is it still the 40 limit per account and will i still need multipl accounts if i were to add in hundreds of contacts from a group?
It's limit from telegram side not software side.
how do you suggest using multiple telegram accounts to get several auth tokens? Add them all on 1 phone device?
Please send us directly email at bhansalisoft781986@gmail.com..this is issue tabs ..if you want support then send us email at bhansalisoft781986@gmail.com