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BuiltWith (Technology Looker)
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BuiltWith (Technology Looker)

BuiltWith (Technology Looker)

Try for free

3 days trial then $5.00/month - No credit card required now

Find out what websites are Built With (technology looker). It's fast and costs little.

⭐ For bulk runs, use the Actor canadesk/builtwith-bulk instead!

🛑 Breaking with Build v2: Successful collections are fetched from cache by default (cache expires after 90 days). Delete the "builtwith" store manually to force a refresh.


  • Get Technology Profile

  • Get Company Profile (under work)

How it works.

  1. Enter the website to be analyzed (e.g., apify.com).

  2. Select a process to run (e.g., Get Technology Profile).

  3. Run it! 🎉


Always use a proxy!

Open a new issue for bugs. Please share your Run URL.


Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 21 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • 18 days response time
  • Created in Aug 2023
  • Modified 2 months ago