Skyscanner (Flights)
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Skyscanner (Flights)
Get the best flight itineraries from Skyscanner! Supports round trips, one way and multi-city with various filters. It's fast and costs little!
⭐ DO NOT USE THIS ACTOR. A new version is available, search for: canadesk/skyscanner-flights-api!
Get Itineraries
🛑 For best performance, we recommend using the "Airport codes" option and IATA airport codes for Origin/Destination.
🔃 Skyscanner prices are rounded up on their website (e.g., $709). The actual results return exact amounts (e.g., $708.01).
Flight type (select)
Choose from Round trip, One way, Multi-city.
Market (select)
Choose from the available countries. This will set default domain, country, locale and currency.
Direct flights only (boolean)
Allow flights with stops.
Airport codes (boolean)
When checked, the Origin/Destination only accept IATA airport codes (3 or 4-letter codes). This will speed up the job.
Flight origin/destination (string)
Not required for Multi-city. Airports to depart from and return to.
Departure/Return dates (string)
Not required for Multi-city. Dates to depart from and return to. Format: YYMMDD.
Number of adults (integer)
Maximum of 8.
Cabin class (select)
Choose from Economy, Premium Economy, Business Class or First Class.
Nearby airports (select)
Choose from Do not include, Nearby airports, Nearby airport (Origin) or Nearby airport (Destination).
Number of children (array)
Leave empty if no children are required in the reservation. Otherwise, create an array with one entry for each child (age 0 to 15).
Example for two children: [ 1, 12 ]
Multi-city - Locations (array)
For process "Multi-city" only. Enter the list of airports (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12) to include in the itinerary.
Example for 8 airports: ["yvr", "sea", "sea", "lax", "lax", "jfk", "jfk", "iad"].
Multi-city - Dates (array)
For process "Multi-city" only. Enter the list of dates (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) matching the locations.
Example for 8 airports: ["2024-09-12", "2024-09-19", "2024-09-23", "2024-09-25"].
Note: For reference, combining both Multi-city examples creates the following itinerary: YVR to SEA (2024-09-12), SEA to LAX (2024-09-19), LAX to JFK (2024-09-23), JFK to IAD (2024-09-25).
This actor returns raw data.
How it works.
Set the parameters.
Set the crawler options.
Run it! 🎉
Always use a strong proxy (Residential or custom), and make sure to wait long enough between requests!
Open a new issue for bugs and feature requests.