LinkedIn Jobs API
3 days trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now

LinkedIn Jobs API
3 days trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now
Get real-time job posting data without cookies. Filter companies by size, industry, URLs. Cut through noise with LLMs.
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15 monthly users
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98% runs succeeded
2.3 hours response time
Created in Sep 2024
Modified 2 months ago

Exaxt Phrase match in job description
Great tool guys, is there a way to search for exact keywords mentioned in the job description
I tried to look for jobs mentioning "linkedin lead generation" but I'm not getting the expected results

Hi Andrew, apologies for getting back late to you here. We've added a new parameter called "positive_job_exact_keywords", which checks if the description contains any of the keywords. Please note that since it is an exact match, you may see far fewer results so you might want to increase the "max_num_job_postings" parameter. We also provide the scraper on our website (https://app.carvedai.com), which may be cheaper since we don't charge for compute. Feel free to re-open the issue if you have any issues, and thank you for requesting!