🔥Apollo Scraper - Scrape upto 50k Leads
Pay $1.20 for 1,000 leads
🔥Apollo Scraper - Scrape upto 50k Leads
Pay $1.20 for 1,000 leads
Scrape up to 50,000 leads per search URL.
I've checked random recods without emails MANUALLY in Apollo and there ARE valid emails there. Means the scraper is not working properly. On top of paying 20%-40% more for the records - I'm losing those contacts and will need to start over with another actor. I've used other actors and never had this issue.
please share the run id.
i have similar issue
run id "06prnObQfxxtSeU51"
Let me check and get back to you.
why can not use the trail version
what trail version?
run ID: k3y2BjOKPhkYa761k
Paid users get more emails and fields in comparison to trial users.
@zagirova098 I have added few changes, so you will more emails now.
Actor Metrics
4.3k monthly users
296 stars
95% runs succeeded
1.7 hours response time
Created in Sep 2024
Modified a day ago