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Google Maps Scraper

Google Maps Scraper

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Extract data from hundreds of Google Maps locations and businesses. Get Google Maps data including reviews, images, contact info, opening hours, location, popular times, prices & more. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.


Scraper wont allow us to extract images without clicking 'I want to scrape only data from search page' button


user-3atmQtB5B6b6QcNTH opened this issue
4 months ago

I only want to extract everything i get when i select the 'I want to scrape only data from search page' button + image Urls however for me to do that under the 'What details do you want to scrape?' tab i will have to leave that unticked for me to get image urls even though i ask for 2 pictures which means i get an excess of data i have to process. Meaning my account uses up for data on information i dont need.

zuzka avatar

Hey, yes, thats expected behaviour. To get images you need to click/request on the detail, so even if we only collected the images, the cost of the run would be the same (aka it doesnt make sense not to grab all the data once we are there). If you do not want them in the exported dataset (which is another possibility, why you ask) just pick the fields you want to download in the export modal. I am going to close this issue now, but feel free to reopen if you have more questions.



4 months ago


Thank you for your quick response! How am I able just pick the fields I want in the export model?

Many thanks,

Laurence Jones Founder & CEO

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 5k monthly users
  • 283 stars
  • 97.8% runs succeeded
  • 3.3 days response time
  • Created in Nov 2018
  • Modified about 8 hours ago