Facebook profile and page scraper
$25.00/month + usage

Facebook profile and page scraper
Scrape facebook profiles and pages in bulk and get important details such as email, social media urls, website and contact info.
0.0 (0)
$25.00/month + usage
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Response time
14 days
Last modified
2 months ago
How it works
The Facebook profile scraper is an Apify actor designed to extract information about profiles and pages. You can get all available information in a profile.
Here are some of the key information extracted by the scraper:
🏠 Address | 🌐 Website | 🖼️ Cover Photo |
📘 Facebook Page | 🚹 Gender | 🆔 ID |
📱 Mobile | 🖼️ Profile Photo | |
👍 Likes | 👥 Followers | 🏆 Category |
⭐ Ratings | ⏰ Hours | 💵 Price |
🛎️ Services | 🔗 Social media URLs |
Main Features
Proxy Support: To enhance reliability and avoid rate limiting issues, the actor supports proxy usage. You can provide a list of proxies that will be rotated automatically to ensure smooth and uninterrupted scraping.
Cookies Support: To view most of the Facebook profiles, you need to be logged in. This scraper scrapes public profiles and for profiles that requires login, It allows you to input cookies to use your Facebook account session information to scrape profiles on behalf of you.
Scalability and Performance: The actor is built on the Apify platform, which ensures scalability and excellent performance. It utilizes parallel processing to scrape multiple pages simultaneously, maximizing efficiency and minimizing the overall scraping time.
Safety of facebook account When using cookies for scraping, Scraper uses fixed proxy, disables parallel scraping and enables random delays to ensure the safety of your Facebook account. The cookies will be used only for profiles which require you to login to view them
Data Export and Integration: Once the scraping process is complete, you can easily export the extracted data in various formats such as JSON, CSV, or Excel. This allows for seamless integration with other tools and platforms for further analysis and utilization.
Automatic Retry and Error Handling: In case of temporary issues like network failures or timeouts, the actor has built-in automatic retry functionality. It intelligently handles errors to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted scraping experience.
Sample data
Here is the sample json output of this actor:
1{ 2 "bio": "Aurora coffee shop offering locally roasted coffee, fresh house made coffee syrups and food options.", 3 "influencer_category": "Page · Coffee shop", 4 "address": "15600 E. Alameda Parkway, Aurora, CO, United States, 80017", 5 "website": "http://www.millyscommunitycafe.com/", 6 "name": "Milly's", 7 "cover_photo": "https://scontent.fblr1-6.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/271417086_3108154856125242_5661858805938538268_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=CFd3Mypx7a8Q7kNvgEBaXsO&_nc_ht=scontent.fblr1-6.fna&oh=00_AYCAMvCu2g_fCByY4JM9JRKf98Jj11n-8zMK-dtzhZmz8w&oe=6644EA12", 8 "url": "https://www.facebook.com/millyscommunitycafe", 9 "gender": "NEUTER", 10 "id": "100055273847808", 11 "alternate_name": "", 12 "username_for_profile": null, 13 "profile_video": null, 14 "is_verified": false, 15 "email": "smiller@millyscommunitycafe.com", 16 "mobile": "+1 720-830-5166", 17 "profile_photo": "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=583803090138814&set=a.583803063472150", 18 "likes": "1.4K", 19 "followers": "1.8K", 20 "category": "Coffee shop", 21 "ratings": "Rating · 4.4 (95 reviews)", 22 "hours": "Closed now", 23 "price": "Price range · £", 24 "services": "Dine in · Outdoor seating · In-store collection" 25}
Use cases
Here are some common use cases for Facebook profile data:
Lead Generation: Extracting profile details allows businesses to identify potential leads and prospects. By analyzing member profiles, businesses can identify individuals who are likely to be interested in their products or services, enabling targeted lead generation efforts.
Influencer Marketing: By analyzing member profiles, businesses can identify individuals with a significant following and high engagement rates, enabling them to establish partnerships for influencer marketing campaigns.
Personalised cold outreach email content: With the help of complete profile details you can write personalised emails that results in high open rate. You can pass the profile details to AI to generate personalized emails in bulk.
Pricing model
RentalTo use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.
Free trial
3 days