Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper
1 day trial then $39.00/month - No credit card required now
Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper
1 day trial then $39.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape Linkedin sales navigator search results, lists, new results, profiles to extract email, social media urls, company website, positions.
Trying to call the actor via api. part of the payload is the search variable "searchURL". I inserted the linkedin sales nav search URL from my browser
And it throws an error:
"error": { "type": "invalid-input", "message": "Input is not valid: Field input.searchUrl is required" } }
Click on JSON tab on the actor's input page to get the proper payload to pass to the API
Provide full payload passed to the API to investigate the issue
{ "searchURL": "", "cookie": "AQEFARABAAAAABGZj_8AAAGSGSgtiQAAAZKziFJGTgAAs3VybjpsaTplbnRlcnByaXNlQXV0aFRva2VuOmVKeGpaQUFDdG95ZmIwQTBseHlyS1lobTEvazZoeEhFc0ZpOHhCTE1FT1U5UHBlQkVRQ25Kd2U4XnVybjpsaTplbnRlcnByaXNlUHJvZmlsZToodXJuOmxpOmVudGVycHJpc2VBY2NvdW50OjEwNzU0MzAyMCwxNjk3Mzk1NzMpXnVybjpsaTptZW1iZXI6OTE0NTgwMzc2Y-pYUODjQJx1YKKZFDk__ppt5SpOb76TUo2r5EYUzzYIgrp5ravnPWdAeci-O5BHVfBIUiVGE-JlBS1YVgO9245P-xXdEcvLOtXoiDg0e3kAyHuofDztCA0s97FAIEIdAoamSU8QWa-V94TPPbd24nxSbK-owGIkf9noV1bXAqTouxCxpesC7BQBMYzIQRHuF1RKFg", "deepScrape": false, "maxDelay": 30, "minDelay": 5, "count": 25, "proxy": { "useApifyProxy": true, "apifyProxyCountry": "ES" } }
Closed: Found 2 typos
Thanks for closing the issue
- 202 monthly users
- 43 stars
- 86.3% runs succeeded
- 3.2 days response time
- Created in May 2023
- Modified 12 days ago