Youtube Search Scraper
This Actor is paid per event

Youtube Search Scraper
This Actor is paid per event
Scrape all videos, shorts, channels, playlists... from YouTube search results. Work like you are searching on YouTube website. Return all information on the screen.
Actor Metrics
1 monthly user
No reviews yet
No bookmarks yet
Created in Mar 2025
Modified a day ago
Our Youtube Scraper crawls Youtube Search Results Pages and extracts data from the HTML in a structured format such as JSON, XML, CSV, or Excel.
The following data can be extracted from each Youtube results:
- Youtube Videos
- Youtube Shorts
- Youtube Channels
- Youtube Playlists
- Youtube Movies
- Youtube Ads
- All other extra sections
Youtube Scraper
Our Youtube Scraper provides real-time results optimized for structured JSON output that you can download and use any way you want.
Why use a Youtube Scraper?
- 👏 Scrape rich data(Almost all data on the screen and compare with other Actors)
- 💪 Actively maintaining. Please email everything@blinkscraper.com
- 🙌 Any feature requests, please email everything@blinkscraper.com. We will implement for you.
Cost of usage
One page contain 25 videos, 50 shorts results and many more results. One page cost 0.025. Scraping 1000 videos cost about 1 USD. Other scrapers usually charge average 3.5 USD for 1000 results.
Input settings
The actor gives you fine-grained control over what kind of Youtube results you'll get.
Example input
1"queries": ["iphone"], 2 "csvFriendlyOutput": false, 3 "device": "desktop"
For a complete description of all settings, see input specification.
The actor stores its result in the default dataset associated with the actor run, from which you can export it to various formats, such as JSON, XML, CSV, or Excel.
The results can be downloaded from the Get dataset items API endpoint:
where [DATASET_ID]
is the ID of the dataset and [FORMAT]
can be csv
, html
, xlsx
, xml
, rss
or json
For each Youtube results page, the dataset will contain a single record, which in JSON format looks as follows. Bear in mind that some fields have example values:
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