Facebook Business Hashtag avatar

Facebook Business Hashtag

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Facebook Business Hashtag

Facebook Business Hashtag


Facebook for Business offers hashtag insights to help you understand your audience and improve your social media strategy over time. Hashtag details from the "Facebook for Business" portal are different from what regular Facebook users see as a hashtag feed.

Hashtahs as single keywords


Spaces or special characters will bring no results

Results limit per keyword (0 for max)


Max amount of results per keyword

Default value of this property is 50

Hashtag Year


Optional, from 2004 till current year, depends on term popularify there might be no results

Proxy configuration


A proxy server is required to run this actor! Either use an Apify residential proxy, or provide your own proxy servers. Datacenter proxies will not work.

Max Retries


Default value of this property is 5

Maintained by Community