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IMDb Scraper

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IMDb Scraper

IMDb Scraper

Try for free

1 day trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now

Free IMDb API to extract and download data on movies, TV shows, video games, and other listings from IMDb. Delivers custom machine-readable IMDb datasets containing all information on your selected listings.

Start URLs


List of URLs that will be scraped or crawled. Go to and choose filter you want.

Default value of this property is [{"url":""}]

Max items


Limit of detail/product pages to be scraped

Proxy configuration


The best option is usually Automatic proxy. But you can also use your own proxies or no proxy

Extend output function


Function that takes a JQuery handle ($) as argument and returns data that will be merged with the default output

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 9 monthly users

  • 10 stars

  • 99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Oct 2019

  • Modified 3 months ago
