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Expired Article Hunter
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Expired Article Hunter

Expired Article Hunter

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Expired Article Hunter is a Wayback Machine Scraper designed to extract expired content to be reused in Moneysites and PBNs. With EAH Wayback Machine Scraper you'll never have to write or buy articles again!

Expired Domain URLs


This is the list of Expired Domain URLs to extract articles from.

Start Year


The start year to begin filter results.

Default value of this property is 1990

End Year


The final year to end filter results.

Default value of this property is 2099

Minimum words


Minimum word count of extracted articles.

Default value of this property is 500

Maximum words


Maximum word count of extracted articles.

Default value of this property is 500

Use Apify Proxy


If enabled use Apify proxy, else use Apify AWS IPs

Default value of this property is true

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 1 monthly user
  • 2 stars
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in Dec 2022
  • Modified 3 months ago