Websites Archiver (Wayback Machine)
1 day trial then $9.00/month - No credit card required now

Websites Archiver (Wayback Machine)
1 day trial then $9.00/month - No credit card required now
Effortlessly archive any website with our Automated Website Archiving Tool. It leverages the power of the Wayback Machine at web.archive.org to ensure your sites are preserved for future reference.
Actor Metrics
4 monthly users
5.0 / 5 (2)
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Jun 2024
Modified 20 days ago
Website Archiver (Wayback Machine)
Effortlessly archive any website with our Automated Website Archiving Tool. It leverages the power of the Wayback Machine at web.archive.org to ensure your sites are preserved for future reference.
The actor accepts an input in the following format:
1{ 2 "startUrls": [ 3 { 4 "url": "https://crawlee.dev" 5 } 6 ], 7 "storeArchivedResources": true 8}
Output example:
1{ 2 "url": "https://crawlee.dev", 3 "archivedUrl": "https://web.archive.org/web/20240610223756/https://crawlee.dev/", 4 "archived": true, 5 "archivedAt": "2024-06-10T22:38:15.643Z", 6 "archivedRecoursesCount": 69, 7 // Can be omitted if `storeArchivedResources` is set to false 8 "archivedResources": [ 9 "https://crawlee.dev/", 10 "https://crawlee.dev/js/custom.js", 11 "https://crawlee.dev/assets/css/styles.5a93fba9.css", 12 "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Be+Vietnam+Pro:wght@400;600;700&display=swap", 13 "https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=apify&repo=crawlee&type=star&count=true&size=large", 14 "https://crawlee.dev/assets/js/runtime~main.cdd7b850.js", 15 "https://crawlee.dev/img/crawlee-dark.svg" 16 // ... and more 17 ] 18}
Running the Actor
To run the actor, you'll need to have an Apify account. Once you're logged in, you can run the actor from the Apify Console. You can also use the Apify API to run the actor programmatically.
For more information on how to use Apify Actors, please refer to the Apify documentation.