Advanced Glassdoor Scraper
This Actor is unavailable because the developer has decided to deprecate it. Would you like to try a similar Actor instead?
See alternative ActorsAdvanced Glassdoor Scraper
The most advanced Glassdoor Scraper that you would ever need. Extract millions of companies, salaries, interviews, jobs, and reviews from Glassdoor. You can specify search terms, filters, list pages, and more! Extremely fast, with no limits. Super easy to use!
Greetings. The endpoint I used actively before is returning empty data. I cannot see the data even though the Actor data output is full. I wonder if an endpoints change has been made? How can I access other data? My previously running data call endpoint url:**
Hey there,
Thank you very much for reaching out and letting us know about your problem. For the past couple of days, Glassdoor has been doing some dramatic changes on their website. Like, as increasing their protection level to the highest, introducing Cloudflare, etc. There were no protections, or changes, like this before.
Seems like some things didn't go well for them, and their website went down completely. Currently, the website throws 500 Server Errors no matter what we do. We will keep this issue open, and once the website goes up, we will check the problem.
Hey again,
Sorry for the confusion. Your endpoint should work properly, but your problem is most likely Apify's API issue. Therefore, it would be best to reach out to Apify's support via Discord or Intercom (Blue button on bottom-right).