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Advanced Glassdoor Scraper

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Advanced Glassdoor Scraper

Advanced Glassdoor Scraper


The most advanced Glassdoor Scraper that you would ever need. Extract millions of companies, salaries, interviews, jobs, and reviews from Glassdoor. You can specify search terms, filters, list pages, and more! Extremely fast, with no limits. Super easy to use!

Start URLs


URLs to start with. It should be company, salary, interview, job, search or any listing URL


The keyword that you can search on Glassdoor

Maximum number of listing items


Maximum number of listing items that you want as output. Default is all

List end page


The page number that you want to end with. By default there is no end page. This is applies to all search request and startUrls individually.

Scrape salary stats


Scrape overall salary statistics instead of individual entries.

Default value of this property is false

Extend output function


Function that takes a JQuery handle ($) as argument and returns data that will be merged with the default output

Custom map function


Function that takes each of the objects as argument and returns data that will be mapped by the function itself.

Use Fingerprinting Generator


Use Fingerprinting Generator to prevent detection and blocking of the scraper. If you are blocking dramatically, please try to use disabling this option as well.

Default value of this property is true

HTTP Headers


Enter custom HTTP headers as key-value pairs. Leave blank to use default browser fingerprinting.

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used by your crawler.

Maintained by Community