Advanced Glassdoor Scraper
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The most advanced Glassdoor Scraper that you would ever need. Extract millions of companies, salaries, interviews, jobs, and reviews from Glassdoor. You can specify search terms, filters, list pages, and more! Extremely fast, with no limits. Super easy to use!
When I turn off fingerprinting I do get less blocks, but they are replaced with timeouts. See run y76kbieXjdDLfUDQ7
Hey there,
Thank you very much for reaching out. Can you please re-share your Run ID? it is not opening.
Hi, it's jr6tjSvdlYZWyN3VV I also started receiving blocks again. When you said pick up quality proxies, did you mean within APIFY or externally? any recommended service?
Hey again!
We just checked your Run ID and deployed a new version with a fix. The timeout was mostly happening because one of the companies did not have any salary information, and the actor way trying to get it.
Specifically, the Salary retrieval action is one of the most problematic parts of Glassdoor because of the Software protection. They are protecting this data more than the other parts. Therefore, using a good-quality proxy is strongly suggested. Regarding the quality proxies; you can reach out to Apify and possibly request a dedicated IP address (I'm not quite sure if that is possible). If not, external sources can be the options. Specifically, Oxylabs and Bright Data are known providers that can give you some high-quality proxies. Even though, you can use their "Unblocker" proxies which always return Success.