Dun & Bradstreet Scraper
3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Dun & Bradstreet Scraper
3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now
Effortlessly extract valuable company information, financial projections, industry insights, and more from the extensive Dun & Bradstreet commercial database. Dive deep into the D&B Data Cloud, Business Directory, articles, companies, and industries with customized search terms.
Crawling is not complete for each country
It only crawls a limited entries for each country. This actor does not function correct with multiple links.

Hey there,
Thank you very much for reaching out and letting us know about your inquiry. As far as I see, the actor found 1.2K companies, enqueued them, and proceeded forward with the pagination. However, there is always a chance that I might oversee the problem.
Can you please elaborate a bit more regarding your problem? Best
Thank you for your reply. The one that you have just checked the previous one. I started a new crawl with less than hundred results. Can you please check that?

Can you please send your Run ID?

Hey again,
We checked this run and saw that the actor captured 1.2K results and started to scrape each of them until it had been aborted. Therefore, we are not sure what is the main problem that you are experiencing here. Can you please elaborate a bit more regarding the abort operation and the limited results you mentioned?
I only see 43 results and as you can see; it skipped the Denmark to Hungary without finishing the whole Denmark list.
I see 1505 results on zAsbaaqSHnGIlrRi6. Can you please tell me where do you see 1.2K results?

Hey again,
The actor does not work synchronously, which means it did not skip Denmark or Hungary, but it changes its order and prioritizes some of the requests other than the other. This is how Apify SDK works. It arranges its speed and requests according to its internal mechanism.
We do not have access into any of your runs unless you share them with us. Thank you for sharing zAsbaaqSHnGIlrRi6
. I passed this to the Engineering Team and will let you know regarding this matter.
Thank you for letting me know. So I shall run this actor and wait until it finishes totally? Can you please confirm?
Can you please let me know how many results will I be able to reach after it will be finished for 0pYW8LEPcs5cnT2oT ?

Hey again,
We just deployed a new version to fix the problem that you are experiencing. 0pYW8LEPcs5cnT2oT
this run should be able to retrieve results of more than 3K. Please remember that the website does not provide results over the 20th page. This means, that even if the URL you provided has more than 1000 results, the website does not show them. Therefore, the actor is not capable of retrieving these.
However, after the latest deployment, the actor should be able to retrieve a lot of results with ease. Please let me know how it goes. Best
I'm running the crawl from scratch and we will see

Hey again,
Closing the issue due to the inactivity. Feel free to open a new issue, whenever you are in need.