Pinterest Data Extractor avatar

Pinterest Data Extractor

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Pinterest Data Extractor

Pinterest Data Extractor

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3 days trial then $35.00/month - No credit card required now

Unleash the potential of our Pinterest Scraper to gather pins, comments, user info, photos, videos, and deep insights. Extract titles, prices, creation date, user language, user locale, images, hashtags, and more. Export in XML, JSON, CSV, Excel, or HTML for unlimited and fast insights!

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 65 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • 98% runs succeeded

  • 6.8 hours response time

  • Created in Feb 2023

  • Modified 11 hours ago

Actor - Pinterest Scraper

Pinterest scraper

The Pinterest data scraper supports the following features:

  • Retrieve pin information - Get all the information per pin. User information, videos, images, price, language, and many other things!

  • Scrape comments - Harvest all the comments without any limits! Get users, comments, and all the necessary information that you are looking for.

  • Get ideas - Fetch all the pins on an idea link.

  • Scrape user profile and user pins - Track any user and their pins. As easy as clicking a button.

  • Get collections - Want to get all the pins of a collection? Do it with ease with Pinterest Scraper!

  • Search and get any keyword results - Search any keyword you want and retrieve all the results right away.

Bugs, fixes, updates, and changelog

This scraper is under active development. If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here.

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on Pinterest that should be visited. Possible fields are:

  • search: (Optional) (String) Keyword that you want to search on Pinterest.

  • startUrls: (Optional) (Array) List of Pinterest URLs. You should only provide pin detail, ideas, user profiles, collections, or search URLs.

  • includeUserInfoOnly: (Optional) (Boolean) Includes only user info for fewer requests and faster results.

  • includeComments: (Optional) (Boolean) This will add all the comments that Pinterest provides into the pin objects. Please keep in mind that the time and resources the actor uses will increase proportionally to the number of comments.

  • endPage: (Optional) (Number) Final number of page that you want to scrape. The default is Infinite. This applies to all search requests and startUrls individually.

  • maxItems: (Optional) (Number) You can limit scraped items. This should be useful when you search through the big lists or search results.

  • proxy: (Required) (Proxy Object) Proxy configuration.

  • extendOutputFunction: (Optional) (String) Function that takes a JQuery handle ($) as an argument and returns an object with data.

  • customMapFunction: (Optional) (String) Function that takes each object's handle as an argument and returns the object with executing the function.

This solution requires the use of Proxy servers, either your own proxy servers or you can use Apify Proxy.


When you want to scrape over a specific list URL, just copy and paste the link as one of the startUrl.

If you would like to scrape only the first page of a list then put the link for the page and have the endPage as 1.

With the last approach that is explained above you can also fetch any interval of pages. If you provide the 5th page of a list and define the endPage parameter as 6 then you'll have the 5th and 6th pages only.

Compute Unit Consumption

The actor is optimized to run blazing fast and scrape as many items as possible. Therefore, it forefronts all the detailed requests. If the actor doesn't block very often it'll scrape 100 listings in 1 minute with ~0.01-0.02 compute units.

Pinterest Scraper Input example

2  "startUrls":[
3    "",
4    "",
5    "",
6    "",
7    ""
8  ],
9  "includeUserInfoOnly": false,
10  "proxy":{
11    "useApifyProxy":true
12  },
13  "search":"design",
14  "endPage":1,
15  "maxItems":10,
16  "includeComments":false

During the Run

During the run, the actor will output messages letting you know what is going on. Each message always contains a short label specifying which page from the provided list is currently specified. When items are loaded from the page, you should see a message about this event with a loaded item count and total item count for each page.

If you provide incorrect input to the actor, it will immediately stop with a failure state and output an explanation of what is wrong.

Pinterest Export

During the run, the actor stores results into a dataset. Each item is a separate item in the dataset.

You can manage the results in any language (Python, PHP, Node JS/NPM). See the FAQ or our API reference to learn more about getting results from this Pinterest actor.

Scraped Pinterest Properties

The structure of each pin on Pinterest looks like this:

Pin Detail

2	"type": "pin",
3	"url": "",
4	"aggregated_pin_data": {
5		"id": "5252180141467027218",
6		"comment_count": 4
7	},
8	"alt_text": null,
9	"attribution": null,
10	"board": {
11		"id": "Qm9hcmQ6MTA5NjU1NjI3Nzk1OTgwMjE0Ng==",
12		"owner": {
13			"id": "VXNlcjoxMDk2NTU2MzQ2Njc5MDY4NTg4",
14			"image_medium_url": "",
15			"followed_by_me": false,
16			"full_name": "Podail Saves",
17			"follower_count": 0,
18			"username": "podailsaves2",
19			"explicitly_followed_by_me": false,
20			"blocked_by_me": false,
21			"first_name": "Podail Saves",
22			"image_small_url": ""
23		},
24		"url": "/podailsaves2/_quick_saves/",
25		"privacy": "public",
26		"name": "Quick Saves"
27	},
28	"category": "",
29	"closeup_attribution": {
30		"id": "VXNlcjo5MDM4ODY3MjUxMjA1NjM1MDQ=",
31		"image_medium_url": "",
32		"followed_by_me": false,
33		"full_name": "Generation Dream",
34		"follower_count": 4885,
35		"username": "generationdreamuk"
36	},
37	"closeup_description": "Whimsical Middle School Altered Photograph Art Project",
38	"closeup_unified_description": "Whimsical Middle School Altered Photograph Art Project",
39	"comment_count": 4,
40	"comments_disabled": false,
41	"created_at": "Sat, 15 Oct 2022 14:56:20 +0000",
42	"description": " ",
43	"description_html": " ",
44	"domain": "",
45	"dominant_color": "#626862",
46	"embed": null,
47	"grid_title": "Altered Photographs",
48	"id": "1096556209247124248",
49	"image_signature": "8a8364da0e09c9bfd85616f7bdfae8f7",
50	"images": {
51		"236x": {
52			"height": 338,
53			"width": 236,
54			"url": ""
55		},
56		"136x136": {
57			"height": 136,
58			"width": 136,
59			"url": ""
60		},
61		"60x60": {
62			"url": ""
63		},
64		"170x": {
65			"url": ""
66		},
67		"474x": {
68			"url": "",
69			"height": 679,
70			"width": 474
71		},
72		"564x": {
73			"url": "",
74			"height": 808,
75			"width": 564
76		},
77		"736x": {
78			"url": "",
79			"height": 918,
80			"width": 640
81		},
82		"600x315": {
83			"url": ""
84		},
85		"orig": {
86			"url": "",
87			"height": 918,
88			"width": 640
89		}
90	},
91	"videos": null,
92	"owner": {
93		"id": "VXNlcjoxMDk2NTU2MzQ2Njc5MDY4NTg4",
94		"image_medium_url": "",
95		"followed_by_me": false,
96		"full_name": "Podail Saves",
97		"follower_count": 0,
98		"username": "podailsaves2",
99		"explicitly_followed_by_me": false,
100		"blocked_by_me": false,
101		"first_name": "Podail Saves",
102		"image_small_url": ""
103	},
104	"pinner": {
105		"id": "VXNlcjoxMDk2NTU2MzQ2Njc5MDY4NTg4",
106		"image_medium_url": "",
107		"followed_by_me": false,
108		"full_name": "Podail Saves",
109		"follower_count": 0,
110		"username": "podailsaves2",
111		"explicitly_followed_by_me": false,
112		"blocked_by_me": false,
113		"first_name": "Podail Saves",
114		"image_small_url": ""
115	},
116	"pinner_follower_count": 0,
117	"pinner_id": "VXNlcjoxMDk2NTU2MzQ2Njc5MDY4NTg4",
118	"isRepin": true,
119	"favorite_user_count": 0,
120	"repin_count": 2289,
121	"share_count": 0,
122	"like_count": 41


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