Youtube User / Channel Scraper
Pay per usage

Youtube User / Channel Scraper
You can use this collector to automatically collect information about YouTube bloggers, such as nickname, avatar, country, introduction, joining time, number of videos, number of views, number of fans, etc. You only need to determine the urls and ids or channel ids
0.0 (0)
Pay per usage
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Last modified
a month ago
Actor does not save any results until completely done?
If you have a large list of 10k+ channels, if the actor fails for any reason after 5000 or 7000 or even 9999, it seems that you lose all the results you got which is very frustrating.
Is it possible to do like other actors and save results in batches? Every 50 or 100 results or so, actor saves the results it found so far.
That way, if actor dies for any reason during the run, you still have the results it found so far.

Please use the latest version
Using latest version, same issue

use the 0.0.36?
Pricing model
Pay per usageThis Actor is paid per platform usage. The Actor is free to use, and you only pay for the Apify platform usage.