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Ultimate News API


$10.00/month + usage

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Ultimate News API

Ultimate News API


Developed by

Yousif Wael

Maintained by Community

news scraper to scrape up to 10K news articles from over 1000 news sources in less than 20 minutes news from over 20 categories .e.g. Crypto news, World News, Latest News, Celebrities News, and a lot more. you can get news from websites like Fox News, BBC News, CNN News, Crypto and Cryptocurrencies.

0.0 (0)


$10.00/month + usage


Monthly users


Runs succeeded


Response time

18 days

Last modified

6 months ago

Categories to get news from


Categories to scrape from

Default value of this property is ["all"]

Date Range of News Articles


scrape all today's date articles enter 'today' to scrape 23 hours ago articles enter 23h To scrape 5 days ago articles enter the date like this "2024-8-19 23:04:51" or like this "2024-8-19" if you dont care about the date enter 'all' please be careful with the date format if you will use it it's always "YYYY-MM-DD" if you want a date range use this format '2024-12-25/2024-12-30' that will be a 5 days range please be careful with the format for that feature it has to be like this "starting_date/ending_date" (you can always provide HH:MM:SS with any date that will be entered) be careful with spaces any date that will be with provided with hours has to be in this format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Default value of this property is "all"

Maximum Articles Amount


this scraper gets you data upto this number for example if you specify 1000 you might get 800 which is all the data that was found

Default value of this property is 100

API Mode


If you have a website and want to use this actor as an api this feature will make the actor return HTML tags instead of text

Default value of this property is false

Excluded a Specific Publisher


Exclude a specific publisher/s maybe you don't like 'FOX News' or 'CNN' to exclude multiple publishers separate them with a comma .e.g 'Fox News, CNN'

Only Allowed Publishers (all publishers are allowed by default)


you can allow very specific publishers and exclude all of the others

Proxy configurations


Specifies proxies that will be used by the scraper (Optional)

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":false}


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

7 days

