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Google Trending Searches

Google Trending Searches

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Below you can find a list of relevant HTTP API endpoints for calling the Actor. To use them, you need to have an Apify account. Replace <YOUR_API_TOKEN> in the URLs with your API token, which you can find under Settings > Integrations in Apify Console. For details, see the API reference .

Run Actor synchronously and get dataset items

Runs this Actor and waits for it to finish. The POST payload including its Content-Type header is passed as INPUT to the Actor (usually application/json). The HTTP response contains the Actor's dataset items, while the format of items depends on specifying dataset items' format parameter.


Hint: This endpoint can be used with both POST and GET request methods, but only the POST method allows you to pass input.

Run Actor synchronously

Runs this Actor and waits for it to finish. The POST payload including its Content-Type is passed as INPUT to the Actor (usually application/json) and the OUTPUT is returned in the HTTP response. The Actor is started with the default options; you can override them using various URL query parameters. Note that long HTTP connections might break.


Hint: This endpoint can be used with both POST and GET request methods, but only the POST method allows you to pass input.

Run Actor

Runs this Actor. The POST payload including its Content-Type header is passed as INPUT to the Actor (typically application/json). The Actor is started with the default options; you can override them using various URL query parameters.


Hint: By adding the method=POST query parameter, this API endpoint can be called using a GET request and thus used in third-party webhooks.

Get Actor

Returns settings of this Actor in JSON format.


Get list of Actor versions

Returns a list of versions of this Actor in JSON format.


Get list of Actor webhooks

Returns a list of webhooks of this Actor in JSON format.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 32 monthly users
  • 4 stars
  • 99.8% runs succeeded
  • Created in Jan 2021
  • Modified over 1 year ago