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Menicka Crawler

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Menicka Crawler

Menicka Crawler

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14 days trial then $1.00/month - No credit card required now

Gathers lunch menu information from

You can access the Menicka Crawler programmatically from your own applications by using the Apify API. You can choose the language preference from below. To use the Apify API, you’ll need an Apify account and your API token, found in Integrations settings in Apify Console.

2  "openapi": "3.0.1",
3  "info": {
4    "version": "0.1",
5    "x-build-id": "aof2vVbi6owHjTP4Z"
6  },
7  "servers": [
8    {
9      "url": ""
10    }
11  ],
12  "paths": {
13    "/acts/janbuchar~menicka-crawler/run-sync-get-dataset-items": {
14      "post": {
15        "operationId": "run-sync-get-dataset-items-janbuchar-menicka-crawler",
16        "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
17        "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for its completion, and returns Actor's dataset items in response.",
18        "tags": [
19          "Run Actor"
20        ],
21        "requestBody": {
22          "required": true,
23          "content": {
24            "application/json": {
25              "schema": {
26                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
27              }
28            }
29          }
30        },
31        "parameters": [
32          {
33            "name": "token",
34            "in": "query",
35            "required": true,
36            "schema": {
37              "type": "string"
38            },
39            "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
40          }
41        ],
42        "responses": {
43          "200": {
44            "description": "OK"
45          }
46        }
47      }
48    },
49    "/acts/janbuchar~menicka-crawler/runs": {
50      "post": {
51        "operationId": "runs-sync-janbuchar-menicka-crawler",
52        "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
53        "summary": "Executes an Actor and returns information about the initiated run in response.",
54        "tags": [
55          "Run Actor"
56        ],
57        "requestBody": {
58          "required": true,
59          "content": {
60            "application/json": {
61              "schema": {
62                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
63              }
64            }
65          }
66        },
67        "parameters": [
68          {
69            "name": "token",
70            "in": "query",
71            "required": true,
72            "schema": {
73              "type": "string"
74            },
75            "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
76          }
77        ],
78        "responses": {
79          "200": {
80            "description": "OK",
81            "content": {
82              "application/json": {
83                "schema": {
84                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/runsResponseSchema"
85                }
86              }
87            }
88          }
89        }
90      }
91    },
92    "/acts/janbuchar~menicka-crawler/run-sync": {
93      "post": {
94        "operationId": "run-sync-janbuchar-menicka-crawler",
95        "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
96        "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for completion, and returns the OUTPUT from Key-value store in response.",
97        "tags": [
98          "Run Actor"
99        ],
100        "requestBody": {
101          "required": true,
102          "content": {
103            "application/json": {
104              "schema": {
105                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
106              }
107            }
108          }
109        },
110        "parameters": [
111          {
112            "name": "token",
113            "in": "query",
114            "required": true,
115            "schema": {
116              "type": "string"
117            },
118            "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
119          }
120        ],
121        "responses": {
122          "200": {
123            "description": "OK"
124          }
125        }
126      }
127    }
128  },
129  "components": {
130    "schemas": {
131      "inputSchema": {
132        "type": "object",
133        "properties": {
134          "cities": {
135            "title": "A list of cities to scrape",
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137            "description": "",
138            "items": {
139              "type": "string",
140              "enum": [
141                "babice.html",
142                "banov.html",
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144                "beroun.html",
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146                "bohumin.html",
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149                "boskovice.html",
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151                "brno.html",
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217                "kralupy-nad-vl..html",
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271                "polesovice.html",
272                "prachatice.html",
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274                "praha-2.html",
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277                "praha-5.html",
278                "praha-6.html",
279                "praha-7.html",
280                "praha-8.html",
281                "praha-9.html",
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283                "prelouc.html",
284                "prerov.html",
285                "pribor.html",
286                "pribram.html",
287                "prostejov.html",
288                "rakovnik.html",
289                "ratiskovice.html",
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291                "rokycany.html",
292                "roudnice-nad-labem.html",
293                "roznov-pod-radhostem.html",
294                "rychnov-nad-kneznou.html",
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296                "sedlcany.html",
297                "skutec.html",
298                "slavicin.html",
299                "slavkov.html",
300                "slavkov-u-brna.html",
301                "sokolov.html",
302                "spytihnev.html",
303                "stare-mesto-u-uh.html",
304                "strakonice.html",
305                "straznice.html",
306                "svatoborice.html",
307                "svitavy.html",
308                "sardice.html",
309                "sternberk.html",
310                "tabor.html",
311                "tachov.html",
312                "tanvald.html",
313                "teplice.html",
314                "topolna.html",
315                "trebic.html",
316                "trinec.html",
317                "trutnov.html",
318                "turnov.html",
319                "uherske-hradiste.html",
320                "uhersky-brod.html",
321                "uhersky-ostroh.html",
322                "unicov.html",
323                "usti-nad-labem.html",
324                "usti-nad-orlici.html",
325                "valasske-klobouky.html",
326                "valasske-mezirici.html",
327                "valtice.html",
328                "varnsdorf.html",
329                "velka-bites.html",
330                "velke-karlovice.html",
331                "veseli-nad-moravou.html",
332                "vizovice.html",
333                "vlasim.html",
334                "vracov.html",
335                "vrchlabi.html",
336                "vsetin.html",
337                "vyskov.html",
338                "vysoke-myto.html",
339                "vysoke-nad-jizerou.html",
340                "zajeci.html",
341                "zlin.html",
342                "znojmo.html",
343                "zacler.html",
344                "zatec.html",
345                "zdanice.html",
346                "zdar-nad-sazavou.html"
347              ]
348            },
349            "default": [
350              "praha-1.html"
351            ]
352          },
353          "distanceAddress": {
354            "title": "Address for determining restaurant distance",
355            "type": "string",
356            "description": "Address for determining restaurant distance"
357          },
358          "googleMapsApiToken": {
359            "title": "Google maps API token",
360            "type": "string",
361            "description": "Used for calculating restaurant distance. The token has to have the Directions and Places APIs enabled"
362          }
363        }
364      },
365      "runsResponseSchema": {
366        "type": "object",
367        "properties": {
368          "data": {
369            "type": "object",
370            "properties": {
371              "id": {
372                "type": "string"
373              },
374              "actId": {
375                "type": "string"
376              },
377              "userId": {
378                "type": "string"
379              },
380              "startedAt": {
381                "type": "string",
382                "format": "date-time",
383                "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
384              },
385              "finishedAt": {
386                "type": "string",
387                "format": "date-time",
388                "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
389              },
390              "status": {
391                "type": "string",
392                "example": "READY"
393              },
394              "meta": {
395                "type": "object",
396                "properties": {
397                  "origin": {
398                    "type": "string",
399                    "example": "API"
400                  },
401                  "userAgent": {
402                    "type": "string"
403                  }
404                }
405              },
406              "stats": {
407                "type": "object",
408                "properties": {
409                  "inputBodyLen": {
410                    "type": "integer",
411                    "example": 2000
412                  },
413                  "rebootCount": {
414                    "type": "integer",
415                    "example": 0
416                  },
417                  "restartCount": {
418                    "type": "integer",
419                    "example": 0
420                  },
421                  "resurrectCount": {
422                    "type": "integer",
423                    "example": 0
424                  },
425                  "computeUnits": {
426                    "type": "integer",
427                    "example": 0
428                  }
429                }
430              },
431              "options": {
432                "type": "object",
433                "properties": {
434                  "build": {
435                    "type": "string",
436                    "example": "latest"
437                  },
438                  "timeoutSecs": {
439                    "type": "integer",
440                    "example": 300
441                  },
442                  "memoryMbytes": {
443                    "type": "integer",
444                    "example": 1024
445                  },
446                  "diskMbytes": {
447                    "type": "integer",
448                    "example": 2048
449                  }
450                }
451              },
452              "buildId": {
453                "type": "string"
454              },
455              "defaultKeyValueStoreId": {
456                "type": "string"
457              },
458              "defaultDatasetId": {
459                "type": "string"
460              },
461              "defaultRequestQueueId": {
462                "type": "string"
463              },
464              "buildNumber": {
465                "type": "string",
466                "example": "1.0.0"
467              },
468              "containerUrl": {
469                "type": "string"
470              },
471              "usage": {
472                "type": "object",
473                "properties": {
474                  "ACTOR_COMPUTE_UNITS": {
475                    "type": "integer",
476                    "example": 0
477                  },
478                  "DATASET_READS": {
479                    "type": "integer",
480                    "example": 0
481                  },
482                  "DATASET_WRITES": {
483                    "type": "integer",
484                    "example": 0
485                  },
486                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_READS": {
487                    "type": "integer",
488                    "example": 0
489                  },
490                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_WRITES": {
491                    "type": "integer",
492                    "example": 1
493                  },
494                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_LISTS": {
495                    "type": "integer",
496                    "example": 0
497                  },
498                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_READS": {
499                    "type": "integer",
500                    "example": 0
501                  },
502                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_WRITES": {
503                    "type": "integer",
504                    "example": 0
505                  },
506                  "DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_GBYTES": {
507                    "type": "integer",
508                    "example": 0
509                  },
510                  "DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL_GBYTES": {
511                    "type": "integer",
512                    "example": 0
513                  },
515                    "type": "integer",
516                    "example": 0
517                  },
518                  "PROXY_SERPS": {
519                    "type": "integer",
520                    "example": 0
521                  }
522                }
523              },
524              "usageTotalUsd": {
525                "type": "number",
526                "example": 0.00005
527              },
528              "usageUsd": {
529                "type": "object",
530                "properties": {
531                  "ACTOR_COMPUTE_UNITS": {
532                    "type": "integer",
533                    "example": 0
534                  },
535                  "DATASET_READS": {
536                    "type": "integer",
537                    "example": 0
538                  },
539                  "DATASET_WRITES": {
540                    "type": "integer",
541                    "example": 0
542                  },
543                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_READS": {
544                    "type": "integer",
545                    "example": 0
546                  },
547                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_WRITES": {
548                    "type": "number",
549                    "example": 0.00005
550                  },
551                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_LISTS": {
552                    "type": "integer",
553                    "example": 0
554                  },
555                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_READS": {
556                    "type": "integer",
557                    "example": 0
558                  },
559                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_WRITES": {
560                    "type": "integer",
561                    "example": 0
562                  },
563                  "DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_GBYTES": {
564                    "type": "integer",
565                    "example": 0
566                  },
567                  "DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL_GBYTES": {
568                    "type": "integer",
569                    "example": 0
570                  },
572                    "type": "integer",
573                    "example": 0
574                  },
575                  "PROXY_SERPS": {
576                    "type": "integer",
577                    "example": 0
578                  }
579                }
580              }
581            }
582          }
583        }
584      }
585    }
586  }

Menicka Crawler OpenAPI definition

OpenAPI is a standard for designing and describing RESTful APIs, allowing developers to define API structure, endpoints, and data formats in a machine-readable way. It simplifies API development, integration, and documentation.

OpenAPI is effective when used with AI agents and GPTs by standardizing how these systems interact with various APIs, for reliable integrations and efficient communication.

By defining machine-readable API specifications, OpenAPI allows AI models like GPTs to understand and use varied data sources, improving accuracy. This accelerates development, reduces errors, and provides context-aware responses, making OpenAPI a core component for AI applications.

You can download the OpenAPI definitions for Menicka Crawler from the options below:

If you’d like to learn more about how OpenAPI powers GPTs, read our blog post.

You can also check out our other API clients:

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 monthly users

  • 2 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2023

  • Modified a year ago
